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A.G.E.S Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer

Cancer remains a leading health concern globally, with risk increasing as individuals age. However, recent studies suggest that certain age-related factors contributing to cancer risk are modifiable. Individuals can reduce cancer risks by adopting healthy behaviors and managing chronic conditions.
What are the causes of cancer?

Could it be pesticides and chemicals in our foods or the poisoning of our water? Could it be mercury off-gassing from mercury amalgam 'silver' fillings or heavy metal residue from contrasting agents? And what about the mRNA shots and 5G towers, do they play a role in the explosion of turbo cancers around the world?

The A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer seeks to answer these questions and empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take proactive steps in cancer prevention. Our esteemed experts offer valuable insights into how lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and biological aging processes influence cancer risk.

The A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer premieres on BrightU on January 11 at 12 PM EST and will stream until January 21 at 12 PM EST. We will keep each episode on replay for 24 hours (from 12 noon EST until the following day, at 12 noon EST), at which point we'll play our next episode in the series.

If you don't want to wait for the daily stream or simply want to learn more about the effective ways to cleanse the causes of cancer at your own pace, you can purchase the A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Package, here, and own the knowledge that can help you and your family beat cancer naturally.

Join our Healing for the A.G.E.S. doctors and their special guest speakers, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Lee Merrick, Dr. Robert Scott Bell, and Maria Crisler to find out what causes cancer and what you can do to prevent it. You'll see microscopic evidence, hear statistics you've never heard before, and learn about the natural God-given remedies you can make yourself to build a strong immune system and heal naturally.

After watching this conference about the true causes of cancer, you'll come away knowing:

It's not genetic and it's not your fate in life.
It's not something you need to be fearful of because you have control over your health.
The latest research and practical strategies can help you to cut through all the misinformation.

The Healing for the A.G.E.S. doctors want to empower you to take charge of your healing journey, no matter where you are in life. The solutions you'll learn at this conference aren't just theoretical; they're practical, actionable steps you can start using today.

And you won't find this natural healing education anywhere else.

Make sure to mark your calendars so you won't miss any of the insightful episodes:

January 11-12: Day 1: What Causes Cancer?

January 12-13: Day 2: Part 1: The Power of Botanicals & Homeopathy in Healing, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A

January 13-14: Day 3: Part 1: Stopping the Transhumanistic Agenda, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A

January 14-15: Day 4: Part 1: God Lives in Every Single Cell of Your Amazing Body, and Part 2: Bonus Solution Session

January 15-16: Day 5: 5 Simple Ways to Stay Sick, 5 Simple Ways to Get Well

January 16-17: Day 6: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 1 - Your Immune System's BFFs and Bonus Q&A

January 17-18: Day 7: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 2 - We've Found the Trojan Horse and How to Wipe it Out & Bonus Q&A

January 18-19: Day 8: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 3 - Chelating Nano Metals

January 19-20: Day 9: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 4 - Long Covid...Just the Facts

January 20-21: Day 10: Replay of days 1-5

January 21-22: Day 11: Replay of days 6-9

The A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer is designed to equip you with time-honored and cutting-edge self-healing solutions, empowering you to take control of your health. You will learn how to disable nanotech, EMFs and 5G, plasmids, weaponized microbiomes, and next-gen genetic bioweapons that threaten us all. Our esteemed speakers will share insights on how to stay looking and feeling younger, save on medical expenses, and confidently avoid hospitals.

Here are the life-saving topics that our experts will discuss:
Day 1: What Causes Cancer?

Running Time: 1:51:20

Day 1

Join Drs. Ardis, Group, Ealy, and Schmidt, and their special guests, including Dr. Carlos Garcia, Founder of the Utopia Center, as they discuss, from their clinical experience, what cancer is and what causes it.

What you will learn from this masterclass:

Dr. Lee Merritt, US Navy Veteran and Spinal Surgeon, raises the issue of parasites found in the blood of cancer patients.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell, Homeopath, healer, and teacher, offers insight into how nutrient deficiencies, toxic poisons in our food and body, and a lack of love all play roles in causing cancers and how coming back to God and embracing natural remedies can help us heal.
Dr. Diana Wright, naturopathic doctor, nurse, author, and cancer survivor, shares her cancer journey and how natural healing and prayer helped her overcome the dire diagnosis she was given.
Dr. Deb Viglione, an anti-aging, regenerative, and functional medicine doctor, shares how she helps her patients rid their bodies of heavy metals and toxic mold, and change their food to avoid oxidative stress on the body to avoid cancers.
Dr. Carlos Garcia, Utopia cancer center, Florida, talks about his "unconventional" view of cancer and how he and his clinic go about treating cancer patients to bring them back to health. He shares his philosophy that "cancer is optional," how critical dental health is to prevent cancers, and how emotions reflect liver health.
Dr. Antonio Jimenez, Hope for Cancer, Mexico, shares his story of how he received a prophetic message that led him to start the Hope for Cancer center in Mexico where many people are coming back to health by "removing the obstacles" and stimulating the body's natural ability to heal.
Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, Biochemistry & Microbiology, talks with the docs about nanobots, stem cells, parasites, GMOs and reactions within the body that can cause cancers and how we can stop poisoning ourselves.

Day 2: Part 1: The Power of Botanicals & Homeopathy in Healing, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A

Running Time: 1:43:01

Day 2

Join Dr. Jana Schmidt & special guest, Dr. Robert Scott Bell, as they share with you the joy of making natural medicine right in your own home and a Q&A to follow.

What you will learn from this episode:

Discover the truths about the history of natural medicine and its founders you may have never heard about.
Learn which plant acts like morphine in the body and is easily accessible.
Explore natural remedies that can help your body heal naturally without relying on harmful pharmaceuticals.
Dive into a demonstration of how to make your homeopathic remedy right at home using a "shining star" plant—Taraxacum (dandelion).

Day 3: Part 1: Stopping the Transhumanistic Agenda, and Part 2: Bonus Q&A

Running Time: 1:45:27

Day 3

Join Dr. Ed Group & special guest, Dr. Lee Merritt, as they bring down the house in this presentation. Will this get a standing ovation from you too?

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about ongoing plans of the transhumanism agenda you need to be aware of.
Discover how simplicity in healing revolves around truthful health education and being happy and how toxic internal (physical & spiritual) and external environments are the cause of cancer.
Explore why we need to be constantly aware of the quality of our food, air, and water, as we are continually being genetically modified against our will.
Dive into the importance of cleansing the liver so the body can heal itself and conquer all the damaging bioweapons attacking us today.

Day 4: Part 1: God Lives in Every Single Cell of Your Amazing Body, and Part 2: Solution Session

Running Time: 1:38:30

Day 4

Dr. Ealy is at it again with everyone's favorite scientist, the loveable Dr. Judy Mikovits. Both of these presenters will show you how incredible your amazing body is.

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about how you can protect your DNA and what Trimethylglycine is and how it helps the body to heal.
Discover what "cell sharting" is, as well as different cell types and what they do to keep us well.
Explore insights on cellular energy production, protein synthesis and the mitochondria and how hunger (fasting) is healing.
Dive into how Cannabinoids/terpenes are "food" that nourish the body's cell membranes and act as a signaling system in the body.

Day 5: 5 Simple Ways to Stay Sick, 5 Simple Ways to Get Well

Running Time: 1:49:06

Day 5

Dr. Ardis had an idea that was an instant winner in this presentation. Let's hear from the kids as they teach us what's really going on. There is hope and this one will deliver it.

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn startling statistics about the rate of child suicide and how depression, due to exposure to social media and technology, plays a huge role in these alarming rates.
Explore how the lymphatic system signifies that our immune system is one of the most important pathways for detoxification and that we should not be alarmed by some swelling.
Discover how T Cells work hard at destroying infections and cancers in the body and see some incredible video evidence.
Dive into how modern methods easily destroy your immune system with prescription medications, such as glucocorticoids, and that laughter is a powerful medicine.

Day 6: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 1 - Your Immune System's BFFs

Running Time: 1:48:24

Day 6

Join Dr. Jana Schmidt along with Maria Crisler to discuss what makes you immune. Spend some time with our presenters as they show you the joys of caring for yourself.

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about the difference between "fad" diets and natural, clean, God-given nutrition.
Discover how tumor cancers are related to dairy and that the protease enzyme our pancreas makes can destroy the cancer protein cell membrane.
Explore how eating too much meat can destroy our immune system and deplete this cancer-killing enzyme.
Dive into how "bee pollen" provides well-rounded nutritional support and acts as an anti-microbial, antioxidant, and anti-tumor supplement utilizing glucose oxidase.

Day 7: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 2 - We've Found the Trojan Horse and How to Wipe it Out

Running Time: 1:56:00

Day 7

Join us as Dr. Ed Group shines a light on Transhumanism -- a word we're all going to become familiar with over the next few years. If you like being Human 1.0, then you'll want to listen to Dr. Group as he teaches you how to avoid being genetically modified in this day and age.

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about the transhumanism agenda and how it is related to the causes of cancer.
Discover how internal emotions affect our health and that "smiling," or the "internal smile," is healing, and how every aspect of our lives and beliefs AND diseases have been secretly engineered.
Explore what "weaponized" yeast is, how it's being used against us, and how we are turning into robots with nanotechnology and genetic modification.
Dive into how an ongoing routine of clean eating, clean water, good sleep and detoxification of the liver can battle this biowarfare, as well as natural compounds to eliminate parasites and yeast.

Day 8: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 3 - Chelating Nano Metals

Running Time: 1:33:44

Day 8

On Day 4, Dr. Ealy taught you about EMFs activating Quantum Dots in our bodies. Now he's going to show you how to chelate the nanotech out. Tune in to see the lab test results in this jaw-dropping presentation.

What you will learn from this episode:

Learn about why we should not fear cancer, the danger of "contrasting agents," and the bio-weaponization of quantum dots.
Discover what Tellurium is and what it does to thyroid function, the dangers of EMF exposures, and the urgency to ground and earth regularly.
Explore how pure water, like home-brewed holy water, is essential to cellular detoxification and the importance of heavy metals testing and detoxification, as
Dr. Ealy shares his results.
Dive into how cleansing the body of negative emotions, parasites, heavy metals, and other toxic substances clears the chaos and restores the body's innate healing energy.

Day 9: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer Part 4 - Long Covid... Just the Facts

Running Time: 1:56:32

Day 9

And bringing it home is the incomparable Dr.Bryan Ardis, as he tackles yet another cause of cancer. Listen in as he shows you how to get the causes out so your amazing body can heal.

What you will learn from this episode:

Dive into bone-chilling video evidence of organic beef used to make dog food that came back "alive" (and with personalities) in pressure canned jars after being frozen for months and pressure cooked;
Learn about the science behind "Remdeathavir" and the nanotechnology agenda being used against us;
Explore microscopic video evidence of nanotech in dental anesthesia, evidence of nicotine destroying the nanotech under the microscope, and evidence of nanotech in the Covid shots.
Discover the reason why governments are trying to ban nicotine agents, how the pandemic may have affected teens' brains, and research on the rampant increase in mental health issues.
Find out the dangers of venom-laden weight loss drugs that warn about depression and suicidal thoughts but are now being promoted for children's use and Covid's "Empty Sella Syndrome" – the destruction of the pituitary gland.

Start the year off right and join the movement.

Empower yourself with knowledge and become part of a community dedicated to natural health and healing. Whether you are seeking preventive strategies or exploring alternative healing methods, the A.G.E.S. Conference: Cleansing the Causes of Cancer provides a comprehensive platform to support your journey toward optimal health.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best in the field and take proactive steps in cleansing the causes of cancer, potentially offering you a longer healthy, and happy life with your loved ones.

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After the last ruling you decide.

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Excellent song!

Wide Awake
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Bible In A Year // Day 65 // Joshua 1-4 & Psalm 65
post photo preview

nee upon a time, a fawn found herself lost while searching for mushrooms in the enchanted forest. As the shadows of the mighty oaks grew long all around her, she knew the night would soon fall. Her legs shivered in the mountain air, her stomach growled with hunger, and she felt fear creeping up her tail.

She whispered to herself, "Please, a single acorn to eat and a warm pile of leaves for a bed.

That's all I ask." As she spoke, a tear fell from her eye, glinting in the day's last light as it landed on the forest floor.

The trees themselves heard her plea. Honoring their pledge to serve any pure-hearted creature of the forest, they summoned their ancient mountain magic. Where the tiny doe's tear had fallen, an oak shoot rose and began to reach upward. The fawn watched in amazement as a grand transformation began. The tender sprout grew and grew, not into an oak, but into a majestic castle of rich wood and gleaming gold. Roots wrapped around roots, forming a doorway and a split staircase that welcomed the fawn to step forward.

After crossing the threshold, she was greeted by the most beautiful place she had ever seen.

Rich tapestries hung from every wall, and soft pillows covered every surface. A fire crackled gently in a stately fireplace, warming her to the bone. Best of all, a long table was piled high with fine foodstuffs beyond her imagination... not just because she had only ever eaten grasses, acorns, and leaves. The intoxicating smell of roasted meat, hearty vegetables, and refreshing libations drew her irresistibly to the banquet.

She dipped her muzzle into a tureen of soup, and as she lapped it up, an incredible transformation came over her as well.

Within moments, she changed from a tiny fawn into a lionhearted princess. From that day, she vowed to rule over the forest with compassion and joy. All were welcome to share the warm beds of her castle and the fine fare of her table. She named her banquet hall Fawn & Fable so she would never forget her roots and the responsibility she bore for all guests who came to her mountain home.

~ from the menu at fawn & fable at nemacolin

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