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Sun. 29 Jan. Q) The St0rm Rider:

As we come closer to Near Civilizati0n De@th Event (Mutua!!¥ Assured Destructi0n M@D) it was highly expected that throughout the US maj0r cities like New York, Los Ange!€s, San Diego and Albuqu€rque were all installing and t€sting New Civil Def€nse Air R@id Sirens as the Militar¥ upgraded their Torn@do Sir€ns in different parts of the countr¥.
As we come clos€r to Nucle@r Events, massive Cyb€r Attacks and Ten Da¥s of Darkn€ss, all branches of the Militar¥ were at the highest lev€!s practicing proc€dures and protocols for the US to go under Militar¥ Contr0l.
Tru^mp was also preparing the US for the inc0ming Event and has been dropping informati0n while building a Missi!€ Defens€ Shi€!d over the US – much like Isra€!’s Ir0n Dome.
Tru^mp was trying to announc€ that Russi@, Chin@ and North Kore@ were about to att@ck – though in reality, the Military World Alli@nce was staging this Event that would lead to a downf@ll of the D€€p State Militar¥ inside SCOTUS (Pentag0n Bl@ck H@ts at the highest lev€!s of the D0D and DOJ).
This long awaited Ev€nt would lead to investigati0ns by the Militar¥ into who was responsible for the W@r conflict and m@ssive misinformati0n that triggered a near de@th Glob@! Nucle@r Event.
The investigati0n was the door to Tribun@!s where Militar¥ Intellig€nce White H@ts will go forward from all departm€nts and give detailed informati0n on DARP@ (D€€o State Operati0ns connected to CI^A Pentag0n, Obam@, Clint0ns, Bush) – all being part of the facilit@tors of the greatest crim^es against Humanit¥. The crimes connect NAT0, UN, DAV0S, WE^F, Gat€s, ect.
The Rockefe!!ers, Rothschi!ds D€€p State digit@! currenc¥ implementati0n attempt was refused by Europe@n countries – the big topic behind closed d00rs at the Dav0s Group gatherings. They who contro!!ed the world b@nking systems and wanted to secur€ the Digit@! banking syst€m and implement fu!! digit@! contr0l of all mone¥ across the wor!d were denied instal!!ing their Europe@n digit@! banking syst€m program. The News hit the Dav0s Lead€rs hard. (Before the pub!ic knows anything the Elit€s prepare everything for their agend@s and roll out much like the clim@te change agend@).
In the wake of the b@d news the Dav0s leaders were also all informed Whit€ H@t Alli@nce Operati0ns were targeting Georg€ Sor0s and this exposure of Sor0s would begin in the US through coming after the Rocker fe!!ers who contr0l the CI^A, Pentag0n and half of US Corporati0ns through BlackR0ck, Stat€ Street, Vangu@rd and Fortune 500.
George Sor0s was in a heated argum€nt with top Elit€s at the Dav0s world gathering over Chin@ and Chin@ seizing sever@! more investm€nt branches belonging to Sor0s’ entities and investm€nt firms as XI coll@psed almost all Sor0s Chin@ networks and Operati0ns.
The Dav0s group can’t let go of Chin@ because they were heavi!¥ inv€sted in the second largest oi! company in Chin@.
The Bid^en files and Hunt
er Lapt0p contain classifi€d files to conn€ct Europe@n top officials to cor^rupt money laund€ring rings.
Massive Militar¥ Alli&nce Sting Operati0ns were headed to Militar¥ Tribun@!s on cri^mes across the world.
The Whit€ H@ts will let the Rockefe!!ers/Rothschi!ds DARP@ create their digit@! banking syst€m, but safeguards were in pl@ce to see the sys€m coll@pse.
Tru^mp will make pub!ic world peac€ with Russi@, Chin@, North Kore@. Trump will be the biggest part of the puzz!€ to stop the Nucle@r full destructi0n Event.
An0ns, Patri0ts World Freed€m Fighters know that Tru
mp, Put^in, XI, Mo*di, Bin Salm@n were all working together to bring down the D€€p St@te through massive Militar¥ World Alli@nce Operati0ns.
The Rockefe!!ers ect. would be removed after they were exp0sed through Militar¥ Operati0ns and the coming Tribun@!s. Only then would Tru^mp and the wor!d come to peac€ and the real digit@! gold-b@cked System be in plac€ to connect the r€st of the world in the Gold€n Age.
Everything is conn€cted. The St0rm is upon us. Cue
-JBIA SB others.

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Wide Awake

Excellent song!

Wide Awake
listen to this... 😳

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listen to this... 😳
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nee upon a time, a fawn found herself lost while searching for mushrooms in the enchanted forest. As the shadows of the mighty oaks grew long all around her, she knew the night would soon fall. Her legs shivered in the mountain air, her stomach growled with hunger, and she felt fear creeping up her tail.

She whispered to herself, "Please, a single acorn to eat and a warm pile of leaves for a bed.

That's all I ask." As she spoke, a tear fell from her eye, glinting in the day's last light as it landed on the forest floor.

The trees themselves heard her plea. Honoring their pledge to serve any pure-hearted creature of the forest, they summoned their ancient mountain magic. Where the tiny doe's tear had fallen, an oak shoot rose and began to reach upward. The fawn watched in amazement as a grand transformation began. The tender sprout grew and grew, not into an oak, but into a majestic castle of rich wood and gleaming gold. Roots wrapped around roots, forming a doorway and a split staircase that welcomed the fawn to step forward.

After crossing the threshold, she was greeted by the most beautiful place she had ever seen.

Rich tapestries hung from every wall, and soft pillows covered every surface. A fire crackled gently in a stately fireplace, warming her to the bone. Best of all, a long table was piled high with fine foodstuffs beyond her imagination... not just because she had only ever eaten grasses, acorns, and leaves. The intoxicating smell of roasted meat, hearty vegetables, and refreshing libations drew her irresistibly to the banquet.

She dipped her muzzle into a tureen of soup, and as she lapped it up, an incredible transformation came over her as well.

Within moments, she changed from a tiny fawn into a lionhearted princess. From that day, she vowed to rule over the forest with compassion and joy. All were welcome to share the warm beds of her castle and the fine fare of her table. She named her banquet hall Fawn & Fable so she would never forget her roots and the responsibility she bore for all guests who came to her mountain home.

~ from the menu at fawn & fable at nemacolin

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