Chiplitfam17, [12/10/2022 1:28 PM] ChipChat “Thinking Again” 12/10/22
Reality is setting in with these latest releases from Elon and Twitter. We knew it was coming; we just never knew when or how. Now it’s hitting us right between the eyes. The public is finally being made aware. At least Twitter is viewed by the American public. Life is funny. You wait for something for what seems like forever, you have high expectations, and then when it arrives it turns out in a manner you least expected. It’s not disappointment, it’s more like we knew this all along and these people are just finding out about it? What’s wrong with everybody? Why didn’t they see this? It was so obvious. I think we are just beginning to learn the real power and deceitfulness of the Cabal. We really have not grasped the power they have held over us for hundreds of years. Now you have an idea why this has taken so long. This evil is deeply entrenched into every fabric and institution of our society and on a global scale. It has been intricately designed with a precision of deceit and evil that is just now being revealed and understood. The range of evil has reached levels that we still have not imagined. Trump has been fighting a silent enemy; one we still have not laid our eyes on completely.
The American people have no idea about what is to occur. They are only beginning to hear the tale of this massive corruption; what will be so shocking to them is that they will learn that most of the things in their lives have been lies. They will learn the truth about our history, the two World Wars, Pearl Harbor, NASA, Hollywood, the MEDIA, the Banking systems, the courts, Congress, Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Vatican, the gold, the bogus Corporation of the U.S., the theft of our government in 1913, the Titanic, the fake moon landing, flat earth, the elections, education, the V, the lockdowns, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Sports, immigration, Planned Parenthood, child trafficking, the DUMBS, the biolabs, Ukraine, Taiwan, HAARP, the Red Cross, Clinton Foundation, 911, Kennedy Assassination, Marilyn Monroe, Haiti, the Oklahoma City Bombing, CPS, TEA, EPA, CIA, FBI, CFR, United Nations, corrupt teacher Unions, the medical profession, the cancer lies, Chemo, Big Pharms, Big Tech, Silicon Valley, the Border, and on and on. It truly is astounding how they took over and controlled all these entities right under our unsuspecting noses. We were not paying attention and were lulled to sleep by the purposed propaganda and indoctrination. No more!
Chiplitfam17, [12/10/2022 1:28 PM]
This revelation will stretch further than a life shattering experience. It will turn the world upside down. Many will not be able to handle it. Many will not even make it. The depth of the Reveal will most likely be curtailed due to the nature of the horrors that were inflicted on the children. Yes, we need to know the truth, all of it. But there are things that our children need not be subject to. Every sane and moral parent would agree with that. It will take some time for all of us to readjust. The complete cleanup operations will take years, but they will move swiftly with an “out of the way” corrupt judicial system and illegal Executive Orders which will all be rescinded from Obama and Biden.
We will become energy independent once again with an economy built on sound money backed by precious metals. The rebuilding of our infrastructure will begin with burdensome restrictions lifted. Drilling will again commence and farming will boom again. Such nonsensical laws such as it being illegal to collect rainwater will be wiped off the books. The truckers will have affordable diesel without the extra heavy restrictions placed on them, especially in states like California. Illegal immigration will cease. The wall will be completed. The 501c must be eliminated for churches where they are no longer under the thumb of a corrupt government. The Satanic influence in schools with these Satan Clubs popping up must be completely eliminated. That is not freedom of religion. That is evil. Abortion also must end. Period. Fix 2020 or bust remains a high priority. All the things we are looking forward too such as NESARA, QFS, RV, the elections fixed, a restored Republic back to the original Constitution, and the revamping of the judiciary, legislative, and executive branches will begin to be implemented as soon as Trump returns. These are major undertakings. In closing, we have been told Trump will be back by January 20. That has been the target date for some time. I know some have mentioned March 4, but that is just too far away. So, we are just a few weeks away. Something BIG has to break even more sensational than Elon’s Twitter posts. Until the American people are hit hard right between the eyes with unrelenting truth from the revamped MSM or through EBS/EAS, they will never understand or learn anything of the truth. Nothing will change until that occurs. It is time for the clarion call. Godspeed, Chip