ChipChat A Further Review of Simon Park’s Latest Video 11/28/22
Obviously there has been much consternation over Simon’s video where he is talking about a more gentle approach to the Reveal. Emotions and anger immediately rise up because of our situation; our human nature desires an all out full blown EBS that wants to slap people upside the head. I am neither approving or disapproving what Simon was promoting, I just want to clarify his position and give some critical analysis. It is important that we are made aware of every possible scenario. Just trying to keep you informed. He starts off with a BIG question. Why would you use actors whether clones, body doubles, or in masks (it does not matter) to play out these scenarios? When we mention actors a stage comes to mind “acting” out a play. This play has characters, a plot, dialogue, a rising action, a climax, a denouement, and a conclusion. But this play we are all observing has a different purpose and function than simply entertainment. This play or as we have referred to it as a movie, is about the life and death of our Republic and its citizens. We have even called it a war. So what is the purpose of this movie? What really is the role of the military, of Devolution, of a shadow government, of a President in exile, and of a defunct corporation? What are the White Hats trying to accomplish and how is that accomplishment to be effected? The goal, of course, is to take back our country. But how are we to bring that about? This is the gist of Simon’s argument.
Simon begins. The first thing to consider is that the general populace has no idea what is going on. It is not their reality. They do not even have a perception of what is happening. If it is even mentioned to them they have blank stares. It is simply beyond their comprehension. So how do we awaken them? Gently or by force? This current SCOTUS case that is keeping us all on the edge of our seats could possibly be that moment in time that sets it all into motion. NOTE: If this ruling occurs, then what Simon has proposed will not have to come into play. Why? Because it will open the floodgates of all the information that has been kept hidden for so long. The truth would be known, bad players removed, Intel begins, and transition takes place. With this dramatic change by this ruling the EBS and a new revised MSM could now be used for educational purposes. It would not be needed to shock the masses avoiding disrupting society. Remember, this is global. The MSM at that point will either have to tell the truth or they will be replaced. This ruling will be impossible to be kept hidden. So if SCOTUS does not act, here is what Simon believes is the more proper or gentle way of bringing the truth to the American people. It is logical in one sense. Let’s explain.
The Plan then would be to move the majority to the truth through Martial Law that would not be visible or disruptive. In other words, there will not be tanks in the street, metaphorically speaking. There will be military takeover without disrupting society. The objective then is to make their move with the least collateral damage. The key is to change the narrative without incident. If the banking systems go down, power outages occur, commerce shuts down, what would be the point in disrupting society in such a harsh manner? It would create fear not unity. It would cause massive confusion. Imagine the eighteen year old with children who now has no access to her bank accounts, or the elderly unable to function in a normal fashion, or the chaos that would erupt in the financial markets, or folks solely on SS, and people simply trying to go on with their lives. Are they to suffer? Why would you destroy the system simply to build it again? It must be a more subtle approach. Simon made the point that if all this corruption is revealed about the United States, how on earth could they say to another country that they have been corrupt? Maybe it’s best the general public never gets the full picture. I, of course, do not agree with Simon at this point. The truth must be known.
Simon continues, that the takeover of the country is better done in a subtle manner than through EBS causing massive disruption. Is it not already occurring? Look at all that is being done behind the scenes! We do not know what the military has been doing. It has not disrupted society. We do not want the I Told You So mentality. The White Hats are not going to do something just to please the Patriots. They will achieve their target on their own. The QFS will be of no value and must be brought in with great precision and care or the Black Hats will corrupt it as well. The Patriots, the ones standing up for truth and justice are the lepers today, the outcasts. The vast majority who do not care are not suffering. They are living at ease in the Matrix created by the DS (The Truman Show!). How do we approach these sleepers? They are not listening to the Truthers, only the MSM and the BBC as Simon put it. These people do not know what is going on. So how will closed bank accounts help? They will not understand. So all these people will be suffering just trying to get on with their lives. Do we blame them? Are they responsible? Yes and No. It’s all they know. They are products of years of indoctrination and liberal education just like the majority of us were at one time. Their critical thinking skills have been obliterated. Some are flat out stupid and refuse to discern the truth. But should they suffer? Here is where Simon gave the illustration of one problematic child in the classroom and the teacher punishes the entire class. This is neglecting responsibility to deal with the immediate situation. The well behaved students are not rewarded but punished! The group then turns on the the one child. Hatred is induced not only towards the child but also towards the teacher as well.
It is the awake that are truly suffering. Yes the “normies” are suffering but only in outward things like food prices, gas, and other areas. But the patriots are suffering in a spiritual sense having their eyes opened to the evil. Simon concludes by saying the military cannot cause disruption in the society as a whole, but the military does need to act now. The Patriots need some hope. They need some assurance. This idea that pain is necessary to wake up the masses, the idea that they must be shown and not just tell them is wearing a bit thin. It does not help. It only causes more anger. It is time to give something to the people who have carried the Flag for so long.
In conclusion, Simon has some good points, but I believe he fails to understand the real agony and pain the Patriots have endured. He fails to grasp the depth of evil that must be revealed in its entirety to the American people no matter the cost. Unless that is done, the significance of it all will never be grasped nor the desire to let it never happen again. The American people are resilient and can recover. They will actually be angrier if they are not told all the truth when this goes down. Not telling them the truth will only exacerbate the problem and create even more division. Truth brings unity and healing no matter how hard or difficult at first. We need to pray that SCOTUS takes advantage of this remarkable case. It is the sure way to victory where everyone wins. When new seeds are planted in fresh tilled earth they remain dormant and lifeless until a storm arises and covers them with the water of life. It is time the Water of Life is showered down on this Nation and its people. And they all shouted, AMEN! Chip