ChipChat on Phil’s Live
“Collision” BOOM! Another Steal
All I could think of was Jimi Hendrix’s, “Hear My Train A Comin!” Phil is in Vegas and was wearing a hoodie with American Flag symbols. It began with Phil in a very serious and pensive mood and in complete silence for several minutes. He was kind of despondent. He was slowly rubbing his hands and fingers together and in deep thought of how exactly he was going to begin tonight. You could see the thoughts running through his mind. He just sat there staring. He cleared his throat. You could feel the tension. It was a good tension. You knew something was coming from Phil that we had not experienced before, nor had Phil. He gave a parental caution and advisory that this Live would best not be heard by your children. That was thoughtful. We knew now that we were in for something extra special tonight. Phil delivered! Phil began. I am upset. I am not happy. Nothing is happening. November 8th we all knew what to expect, fraud. Note: We had been warned. The only thing you needed to remember was Lin Wood’s famous line, “Fix 2020 or Bust.” It still says it all. This reminded all of us of something tonight. I am sick and tired of saying there is a lot going on behind the scenes. I regret for the first time in my life the decision I made when when I was young. NOTE: I want to expand on this incredible statement from Phil. I do not know how much of that you caught, but for me it revealed everything about Phil. You that have not been here from the beginning or you that have been here for just a short while, Phil, in a very subtle way, gave away a deep secret.
Phil, I believe with all my heart, very easily could have been in that inner circle of Trump. That is what he gave up. He made that decision to leave and have a family and raise children. He would not trade his boys for anything the world could offer. The decision he made is in God’s Providence. Let him rest in that. What Phil was saying deep inside, was that I should be right there with them in this decision process! They are screwing it up! He then explained that we most likely have lost the Senate and now maybe even the House. Is the Cabal still in charge? What’s the point in voting? That was all of our first thoughts upon hearing this news. I witnessed the live fraud last Tuesday. I saw it first hand in real time along with others. You can believe that I am telling you the truth or not. For some reason I was put there. Others saw it as well. If the military was monitoring this fraud in real time, what are we worried about? It had to be the military. Are they going to do anything about it? They didn’t in 2020, why are they not doing anything about it now? There has been NO action! We have it all. We have had it all! Why hack if no action? Phil said I am no different than any of you. I have the same concerns.
On the Monday night before the election, I still did not think the election was going to occur. I told you it was like two trains on the same track heading straight for one another. They were bound to collide head on. Well, they did! The collision has taken place. You will see now who is really in control and who survives. We will find out who are the casualties. We will find out where the chips will fall. It has to be revealed now. Is the Plan even real? No more time for guessing. It’s over. Note: I had to ask myself at this point, what then was the purpose of all the Trump Rallies and all the endorsements of the candidate? And all the money raised for these candidates? And all the time put in canvassing for these candidates? And all the conservatives working and watching the polls and putting out all the signs? All down the drain? Something very wrong with this picture. Is all we have had is talking heads? All of them! Note: Fix 2020 or Bust! What is the purpose then of a continued legislative body working within the two party system if it is all rigged? It is the entire system that must be destroyed. That is why a Trump 2024 run is insane. It would simply continue the corrupt system. 2000 Mules, Greg Phillips and Catherine, Mike Lindell, Dinesh D’Souza, all of them! What is the point? Is there not a White Hat alive? Where is courage? Where are the men?
Trump cannot announce a 2024 run. It makes no sense. It would show his concession to 2020. If 2020 fraud was not fixed, 2024 certainly will not be fixed. Trump would lose! You just saw the proof of that last week! You can’t win a rigged election, Phil screamed out! Have we become tone deaf to reality? If Trump makes an announcement of a 2024 run without the fraud being fixed, no one will ever vote again! MAGA will disintegrate. Note: That is what I was trying to demonstrate in my poll the other day. Many of you voiced complaints that I had on there, I’m done! Well, maybe now you understand. There is no more never ever give up or I will never quit or I will hang on. There will be no more MAGA! You are not going to over ride rigged elections. Period. It is nonsense to continue in this fashion. The next reason Trump is not going to announce a 2024 run this Tuesday is that the money the RNC has cannot be accessed at this early stage. It is 103 million dollars. The finance laws won’t allow access to those campaign funds with a too early announcement. Note: I told you last week in one of my posts what I believe is going to occur; that Trump is going to announce that he is back! There will be no 2024 Trump announcement. The whole DeSantis scenario is nonsense as well. Stop listening to the MSM.
Phil continued. What is Trump going to say? He is Back! Possibly the PEAD. Trump telling the American people about the National Guard that were actually activated January 10th of 2021. Devolution. And the election fraud. Phil has seen the election fraud first hand. People are losing faith. They need assurance. There was more silence from Phil. His emotions were building. He was energized yet mad, actually furious. “Action is what matters,” he yelled out with some expletives! The picture has now become more clear. Here is the latest Intel. This weekend I had an Ah Ha moment. It involves crypto currencies and the trading platform FTX. It is like Coin Base, a leader in crypto currency exchanges. It involves things like day trading and buying and selling crypto currencies. These exchanges are not regulated by the government. They are not tracked. That at first is what most likely made them appealing. Friday, the CEO of FTX reported a billion dollars had been stolen from his platform exchange. This was on the news. He reported it missing and filed bankruptcy. Phil thinks he sold the crypto then filed the bankruptcy. Note: Check me here because I am not sure I got all this down correctly. This CEO of FTX is also the largest donor to the DNC (Democratic Nation Committee).
Saturday, we learned that the money was sent in the form of crypto currency to Ukraine which then sent it back to the DNC. This is American tax payers money. This money was taken by Congress and sent to Ukraine under the guise of foreign aid. Ukraine then sent the money to the DNC which was used to finance the fraud. This is pure money laundering and goes against Trump’s EO 13848 which specifically states that any foreign election interference is unlawful. It is treason. This money laundering scheme disguised as foreign aid is the way the Democrats have paid themselves making them millionaires and the way they have been able to finance the election fraud. It has been going on for a very long time. You should be sick to your stomach by now. Don’t forget what Julian Assange said, that once the truth is known 90% of Congress will be arrested.
These crypto transactions of the money being sent from the U S to Ukraine and back to the DNC were all handled by FTX. We caught them all! EO 13848! Biden, if you remember, extended Trump’s EO 13848! Hmm… This CEO of FTX has turned! He is now working with the White hats! He was put up to carry out these transactions. The White Hats got him to talk. Much earlier last year or longer, McConnell did not block the debt ceiling. Trump made it look like he was furious at McConnell for not blocking it, but in reality Trump wanted him to not block it. Why did McConnell allow it to be raised? Are you seeing the big picture yet? Trump’s genius. The reason Trump made it look like McConnell must block the debt ceiling was that it would hamper the Green New Deal, they could not send aid to Ukraine, and shut down the Federal Reserve from loaning money to foreign countries. But McConnell allowed the debt ceiling to be raised. WOW! Trump knew what they were up to and let them conduct these transactions of fraud. They got caught! Pure optics that Trump made it look like he and McConnell were at odds.
If your country is suffering, why would you be sending foreign aid money? Wouldn’t you first be concerned with your own country? Do you see how evil these people really are? It is how they enriched themselves at the cost of the American people. They are not just thieves, they are murderers. Jesus equates hate with murder. They are the same. The Cabal had had their normal way of stealing money through the Federal Reserve, but now that had been cut off. So they devised this new way of obtaining funds through these FTX crypto transactions. The White Hats have been working on this plan to catch them for a long time. This time we have it all. All of it in real time. Show the people does not work any more. Feeling the pain is of no use any longer. Someone needs to be held accountable. NOW! No more delays, no more excuses. I have said this countless times, but it fits here very well. General McInerney said if Trump does not expose this Cabal and take them down, he himself will be a traitor to the American people. He will have betrayed this country. Trump left office for a reason. He could have stopped the fraud right there, but he left. He had a mission to accomplish. We have now arrived at that reason.
Tuesday is the final marker. It is when the clock stops. Time is on our side. Phil was silent again. He said his blood pressure was exploding. He had to leave to put on a cooler shirt! He was sweating in his pullover. When he returned he had on a sleeveless Los Angeles T with the number 2. He said quite surprisingly you can longer say I trust this or that. You can’t even trust me! Or even Trump! Or even Scavino! No more! Something must change. We are at that moment now. Whatever the Plan is will be revealed Tuesday. If there is no course correction, then it is time for alternative measures. A time for real change. Don’t do anything stupid. Not yet! Our time is coming. An important Q Drop that we all know said, “Military is the Only Way!” The only way. There is no other way. These are evil people. We need a refresher course. These statements from Phil were coming at a blistering pace and at full volume. Phil was intense and as serious as I have ever seen him. He meant business. He was on fire!
What’s next? The National Guard, EBS, and (even Martial Law that I added). The military are preparing for what is coming. One day next week you are going to wake up to a brand new world. All new rules! Wall Street and all the Elites who have run this country cannot stand against us any longer. We have the numbers! We are going to run this country! Stay tuned. The cards are out all face up. Time to act. NCSWIC. Conclusion. I realize there will still be some who are hesitant to grab hold of the reigns and ride this out. I understand. Phil understands. We have been facing the demise of our Republic, the place where we live and raise our children. Nothing has been more serious in the time of this Nation. So many times we have emphasized how fortunate we are to be born for such a time as this. We are witnessing history unfolding. Will God be merciful and bestow upon us a rebirth? If He is pleased to do so, the ONLY reason will be that He will ring forth the Gospel and bring people into the true rebirth, the rebirth by His Holy Spirit. His Church, His Bride, truly born again believers are alone the apple of God’s eye. All of history is moving towards a wedding feast, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb of God. Pray that the Lord will raise up mighty men who will be unafraid to preach His truths to a lost world for, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). Chip Littler