ChipChat on SGAnon’s Audio File 25
This report from SGAnon was very different from his others which I noticed immediately. It had a tone of, and I am not sure I am using the right words, hesitation and confusion. It was not doubt, but did show concern. My concern was directed at another area of the report referencing New Age terminology. I am not saying SGAnon is New Age. That is not my point, but his use of New Age philosophical terminology is disturbing. Many Truthers are doing the same. The Bible does not speak in these terms. I am going to be very careful how I explain all this, because I know there will be some misunderstanding and some who will not understand at all. Some of you may even leave. I want to begin with I Corinthians 2:14: “The Natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are not spiritually discerned.” The irony here is that the “natural” person cannot even understand this Scriptural verse! A person can read and understand the Bible with a logical mind yet still be completely lost. Satan knows the Scriptures. That should tell you everything. Without the intervening work of the Spirit of God man remains in his sinful and lost condition. What man thinks matters little. It is what God says that matters. You do not bring your opinions to God’s Word, His Word is to be submitted to and obeyed. The Gospel is not an invitation, it is a command to repent and believe. Man is without excuse to not believe it. A persons “Good Works” or his “Morality” has nothing to do with truly being saved. There are many unsaved folks whose “natural” morality shames many Christians! Salvation really has nothing to do with one’s sin. What do I mean? If sin was the issue in one’s salvation, then not a single person would be saved; we are all grave sinners. So how does one get saved? Is it not true that the truly born again cry out and wonder how could God save such a wretch like me! That is what John Newton’s (1725-1807) famous hymn, Amazing Grace, is all about.
God in His matchless Sovereignty and Providence chose before the foundation of the world those who would be saved. Man hates this doctrinal truth more than any other. His pride fights it with all his strength defending his “free will.” I am not digressing from my reason for addressing SGAnon. This is foundational. Stay with me here. This is deep. I am going to try and explain what “natural morality” is. Before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, remember Satan somehow gained entrance into the Garden which Adam should have prevented by his taking dominion, but that is another story, they had a spiritual morality that was pleasing to God. They were created without sin. Their thoughts were pure. Sin had not yet tainted them. They needed no “good works” to please God. They were in perfect relationship with God. Their consciences were free from any guilt. But after sin everything changed. They were now estranged from God; their minds were blinded, and they were cast out of the Garden and barred from ever entering again. Paradise was now off limits. Sin can not be in the presence of God. This is the reason Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, My God why hast Thou forsaken me?” It was because Jesus had become sin! He never sinned Himself, but took on all the sins of His Elect. And the Father forsook His Son. God spared Isaac from being slain by his father, Abraham, but God spared not His own Son! Think on that.
Natural morality is that morality which proceeds out of the sinful heart of fallen man derived from the Fall. In other words, now that man has been separated from God by his Adamic sin, the natural morality he now operates from has been infected with sin. This morality is not pleasing to God, yet man values it above all. Scripture tells us that if it is not of faith it is sin (Romans 14:22-23). Every act from man, that is, his every thought , word, and deed is sinful in natural man. Read that again. There is NOTHING natural man does that is not sinful. Nothing! Why? Because it does not give God the Glory. Man is giving himself the glory. That is idolatry. The Gospel is offensive as it separates the wheat from the chaff. The Gospel always accomplishes its purpose, it brings life to those the Gospel has called and hardens the hearts of the ungodly. It is exactly what God is doing today. He is blinding the eyes of the ungodly. Jesus spoke in parables to hide the Gospel from the unbelieving Jews. He would say he who has ears let him hear.
SGAnon began with explaining that what he has told us has been misinformation. The one final person with truth, he said, was Trump, but now that has changed. The De-class and the Disclosure did not take place. He said he was researching a discussion thread on the deep web by one known as ZEROPanon. SGAnon then tells us liars create problems. Sensationalism is dangerous. We have been lied to! (What does that say about the White Hats?). We have been lied to for two years! He then went on to defend it by saying it was incomplete information by design. Purposed disinformation. We all understand that. We have all been actively involved trying to understand this journey. It has not been easy. He said the dates given were to protect the integrity. There are 111 days from the first Q Drop to 11/11. Quite symbolic. 11/11 was the end of the Q Clock, JFK’s EO was 11110, and his assassination was 11/22. One Two! He then said the busses today at the White House were most likely prisoner transports. Most thought they had something to do with a Veteran’s Day celebration. But that makes no sense since fake Joe is not at the White House conducting such a celebration. He then went into a description of some Q Drops centered on the word failure. Drops 3579 and 4962. You will have to listen for yourself to get the details. They related to what is known as the Lieber Code of April 24, 1863. It was issued as General Orders No.100 signed by Abraham Lincoln. It was to the Union soldiers during the Civil War that dictated how soldiers should conduct themselves in wartime. The name was associated with Franz Lieber, a German-American legal scholar and political philosopher. The point in all this from SGAnon is something is definitely about to go down.
General Orders are not opinions. They are to be obeyed. All of this is fine and well as it pertains to the overall Plan. He ended with “military is the only way.” And then he said that may mean something completely different than how we first understood it. There you go. More misinformation. My concerns start here. Reading some of the posts this morning confirms what I wrote at the start of this that many are deceived by New Age philosophy. Here are some examples: “Stop condemning people who you call New Age. You don’t own the patent on how people have a connection to God or the universe. It’s ludicrous and you are being judgemental and self-righteous and being arrogant and acting like you are better than someone else, just stop it please, It’s offensive.” That post received over 100 likes and only a few dislikes. WOW! Next: “Just remember we have a lot to learn they have lied to us about everything we are are going to be shocked especially the christians.” {sic} Next: : There are many professing Christians who don’t know their Bible.” There were more comments. My comment: There is only one connection to God. Jesus. He is the patent. Jesus is offensive because there is only ONE way to the Father. Preaching truth is not judgemental. It is trying to save your soul from eternal damnation. Genuine Christians are not going to be shocked for two reasons. One, they understand man’s depravity. Two, the lies that are being put forth that there are missing books of the Bible is out of the pit of hell. I will admit that not only Christains are going to shocked when all this unfolds but everyone else as well. It is sad that many Christians do not know their Bibles as they should.
Hear me out. SGAnon and many in the Great Awakening Movement are using New Age terminology: god consciousness, 5 D and 3 D, Ascension terminology, the cause of Light toward peace, to break free into the era of peace, 1000 years of peace, the Galactic Federation, a higher power whatever you deem that to be whether male or female, all are on their own path to god and all paths are acceptable, we are approaching the Age of Aquarius, and on and on. With this are mixed in Tarot card readings and the endless barrage of false prophets and false Truthers. Many are pushing this New Age Philosophy along with huge distortions of Scripture. Scripture has been taken out of context to fit their narratives. These narratives have nothing to do with what Scripture is saying but have only to do with current political events being interpreted incorrectly by misunderstanding God’s Word. Many will disagree with me here, but truth is far more important than unity. Unity apart from Christ is a lie. Scripture tells us that man is to wax worse and worse, not get better. This world is under judgement. It has been condemned. Christians are called OUT of this world into the Kingdom of His Dear Son. Creation itself is groaning for its redemption, “For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. And not only that, but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the Spirit, also groan ourselves, awaiting divine adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. “
Tensions are high. Something is definitely in the air. Is it a soft gentle breeze or gale force hurricane winds? I think we may have both. The soft breeze is the slow and steady pursuit of voter fraud as it is being revealed state by state. The strong winds seem to be bearing down on this Trump DeSantis debacle. It appears it is not looking good for DeSantis. Optics again? We are tired of the term “optics.” I am afraid to say that we are about to find out some things that we are not prepared for. We knew all this time that the ending was not for everyone. One of the biggest shockers, besides who is really dead or alive, is going to be who is truly a White or Black Hat? I think we are in for some major surprises. We may not like what we find. A preacher once said that we will be surprised in heaven finding out that the people we thought were surely going to be there aren’t, and the people we thought were not going to be there, are! That is kind of where we are now in trying to figure all this out.
I can’t yet put my finger on it, but it is looking like we may have been fooled on several accounts. SGAnon said last night we have been lied to. I am not going to name names, but I have my suspicions that some are not who we think they are, and this might stretch all the way to the top. I have learned that some in the Truther community that we were told are no longer with us are actually alive and now working behind the scenes with the White Hats. Others we have followed may be disinformation agents to make sure the waters stay muddy. So what does all this mean? It means that as we approach the end of all this, we must be more vigilant than ever before. Eyes wide open and ears fully attentive. We need to develop better intuitive skills in detecting what is really transpiring. If not, we will be sucked in by every pounding wave of misinformation and disinformation backed by the MSM. Chaos is running supreme. We have yet to come out of the “confusion” stage. “We” may have some clarity but the masses have none. Panic is to follow the “clarity” stage. I fear some here have reached that stage already! The Panic was meant for the DS, not us. Nothing now is making much sense. I simply can’t fathom any further delays or change in the course of action. What possibly could the next step be? Dates of importance like the 11th, next Tuesday the 15th, and the 22nd were and are expected to be significant. If they sit on the fraud this time and wait for a regained House and Senate to conduct “normal” legislative process to clean all this up, they will lose massive support. Now I just heard the rumor that Trump being appointed as Speaker of the House with a controlled Republican Congress to get him back in is being circulated. This would occur with Biden and Harris being removed. To me that is like the CEO of a company retiring and becoming the mail office boy!
Final thoughts. Do not be deceived. Where are we now? I realize we are all in a very “Qurious” stage of the game. I have no idea what is next. What I do know is that if nothing transpires VERY SOON, and I mean soon (days if not hours), then we are in serious trouble. We are not going to put up with this nonsense much longer. We are not waiting any longer. There will be no hope for a restored Republic if the evil is not fully exposed and dealt with by long prison terms with NO parole and executions for treason. Yes, I still believe in the Plan. We have to. It’s our only choice. I will say this one more time. If we have been deceived not only by Trump and the White Hats but also by the Truthers (unless they too have been deceived), none of them will be able to walk down the street. They will be hunted down like dogs. Trump’s entire family including his friends will be hated MORE than the Cabal.
Don’t forget what General McInerny said two years ago. If Trump does not expose and deal with this evil, he too will be guilty of treason. I believe in what I am saying to you. I care more for truth than any other resolution. Getting Trump back is certainly a good thing, but not the most important thing. Getting rid of this evil Cabal that has so beset us for decades is the main goal. Trump won’t be around forever. But don’t forget that the eternal and spiritual issues of life are far more important. All of this is temporal and fleeting as I have stated before. The average life span of 70 years is not even a blink of the eye in light of eternity. Be wise. Think deeply. It matters. You are taking no one with you when you die. Your faith in anything other than the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ is vanity. Let us press onward. Let us take the banner of truth and carry it forward. Let us keep trusting. We do not know what God is doing, but we know that He can do only that which is perfect in justice and mercy. He is the God of salvation. Run to Him! Chip Littler