For anyone who is upset or frustrated with yesterday's election, this post is for you! Please do not be upset as it is not over yet. Here is what we know so far... the US Military set up election cyber crime teams in 32 major US cities weeks before the election, this is a public fact. They monitored EVERYTHING! If fraud existed, they will catch it! If fraud did exist, the military will have no choice but to step in and take control of the country as these are the rules according to the US Constitution. As a reminder, we live in a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy. If you are confused about the two, please educate yourself and get clear about the differences.
If you don't like the Constitution, you are entitled to your opinion, but your feelings have no bearing on the process in which our country was founded.
Here is also what we know so far... Brazil had their Presidential Election last week. Not only did our United States corrupt government help them cheat, (this has come out already quietly and will publically come out more soon) the Brazilian military had to step in and recount the votes and correct the election and give it to the rightful winners. Foreshadowing for the United States??? We shall see! Watch what happens over the next few weeks!
Also remember that the Dominion voting machines are the machines that all states are using in one form or another. Most of them were reported to be malfunctioning yesterday. Here is the clincher: Dominion is also the machines that were used in analyzing Covid! So more to come on the truth about Covid soon.
Remember, voting machines are not allowed to be connected to the internet but most ALL were yesterday. This is where the Spaceforce comes in! This is just starting to get exciting and we are in for a wild few months ahead!
[11/11/2022 6:31 AM]
Scott Brunswick: ALL communications are now under ONE command of the Spa ce Force, in which once again, "Bide n’s NEVER uttered the words, NOT ONE TIME.
ALSO simultaneously and parallel to Milita ry and Federa l L@ws, the Blueprint is also backed by the L@w of War Manual which is being run by a Milit ary Occupancy to the tee.
The November 5 (11.5) Article via F0x News SHOWING you the Natio nal Guard Cybersecurit y Teams being activated in 14 states allowed you to VISIBLY see and know the Nation al Guard are operating. When they do NOT operate at YOUR pace and based on what YOU think should be seen does NOT mean there's nothing happening. Strategic Operations DO NOT work like that which once again proves why 99% of Americ a do NOT serve and 97% have NEVER served.
The 11.5 article parallels the 11.5 L@w of War Manual. For the 18th BILLIONTH time... read it. Chapter 11.5 titled: "Duty of the Occupying Power to Ensure Public Order and Safety." pg. 773
There's MANY more OPTICS and information in my documents to prove what's going on if you'll simply read, re-read, study, repeat.
In September, the Ohio Natio nal Guard deployed troops overseas.The Article specifically says: "Militar y Officials say..."
If Bid en was Preside nt, he would have ALL the SAME powers as EVERY other Presid ent….
How come the Militar y does NOT recognize him?
How come the "Comman der-in-Chief Bide n” isn't mentioned in ANY articles deploying the Natio nal Guard anywhere?
Why are the Nationa l Guard out of their states and the country every single day? They have to have ORDERS. ANY "Veter an” who says otherwise is a FOOL. The ORDERS have not been rescinded because the Operation is ongoing because the ADDRESSING to the Nation of Natio nal Emergencies have not happened because they have NOT been TERMINATED.
Last I checked, the Commande r-in-Chief is the Top Rank in all of the Milit ary.
How come the Secretar y of Defen se approved the mission for the Baby Formula shortage in May and not "Presid ent Bide n? “You know, the
"Preside nt” who would have the SAME powers as every other Presiden t……
Remember...the Optics of the Secretary of Defense above.
You don't have to like the Cover t Operation or Milita ry Occupancy...but it's ALL in Laws and Orders and visual Operations, I cannot make
you read or understand. With or without me, this World Joint Covert Operation is still happening.
So before you pipe off in the comment box... make sure you understand the SAME Milita ry Laws, Regulations, Constituti on, US Codes I put in a Blueprint to outline this Operation in MULTIPLE videos and posts...
Are the SAME Militar y Laws, Regulations, Constituti on, US Codes every Memorial Grave you see above... fought and paid the Ultimate Sacrifice for.
We did NOT need the 2022 Midt erm to prove anything nor was it the "finish line." The signing of Executiv e Order 13848 in September 2018 TWO years before “C” 0v! d and the 2020 Presiden tial Electio n wrapped around MULTIPLE Laws, Orders, Regulations, Optics, Operations from 2017 to 2021 from both Milita ry and Federal Sectors holds ALL of the evidence and optics to show all that was needed was 2016, 2018, and all of the evidence of fraud before 2016.
"We have it all."
"We've caught them all."
"All crim es and evidence of will be displayed to the public in full accordance to the law."
Until then, it's an ongoing Operation. Until those National Emergencies are TERMINATED by the Preside nt who declared them and until the Nationa l Guard are back in their State Milit ia status as outlined in 10 US Code Chapter 1211 Section 12401, 12402, 12403, 12404, 12405, 12406. #READDDDDDDD
Tired of reading the same Laws, Codes, Regulations, and posts? GREATTTTTT... because it's NOT that complicated. The GREAT thing about it is... if you'll simply seek to read and understand what's in place... it's a Blueprint and the Laws, Orders, Regulations in place do NOT change!
Milit ary Law > Federal Law > Opinions > Slanders.
"It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.