I must address this honest post from Jokey Pants today, 10/29/22 at 5:13 am.
“How can anything positive come from the public being informed that the good people are the ones who caused them to lose their livelihoods, lose their parents, siblings, children, friends, relationships, their health? Saying the white hats have been in control these past two years just to show people how bad it can get, makes as much sense as saying, “You should trust me because I’m the one who burned your house down just to show you how it would feel if somebody else burned your house down. Now, aren’t you grateful?” I just don’t get it.”
My response:
The first thing is that this is a completely normal response from a natural point of view. How could anything positive come from the crucifixion of Christ? Almost all the Apostles were devastated. They thought all was lost. They ran and hid in fear when Jesus was arrested. They could not see the big picture. They were told many times that Jesus had to suffer and die, but it never really sank in. Not until Jesus rose from the dead. They now understood that his death was the very means for their eternal life in Him and for the forgiveness of sin. Had they suffered as Apostles? Absolutely. But it all made sense now. That is how I will try and explain what is going on to hopefully answer your thoughtful question.
We are at War. Not a fictitious War, but a real war unlike any other. You have heard many times that there are casualties in War. That is true. It can’t be avoided. People suffer and die in War. But the outcome always brings good in the long run. Had Trump exposed all the fraud in the beginning right after the election, we would never have known the massive depth of corruption. This is why, I believe, it has taken so long. What other reason would there be? What does it really mean that the people can’t just be told but that they must be shown? Unless people experience real pain and suffering, they will not change. Life is like that. It takes a major event in life to alter one’s perception of reality and wake them up. The evil would simply continue. The real mind blower is that we ourselves are to blame. How can that be? We let things get this way because we were too busy with our personal lives forgetting how important people really are. We got caught up in the external affairs of life losing sight of the importance of the spiritual nature of life. We did not interfere in the corrupt public education systems that have all but destroyed our young people. We were too busy. The family was obliterated by divorce and infidelity. Two parent families today, a man and a woman, are almost a rarity. And it’s always the children who suffer the most. The parents put their desires and lusts ahead of the children. The excuse was if I am not happy then my kids won’t be happy. That is a lie from Hell.
What do you think it would be like if the Black Hats were really in control? You would have already lost all of your freedoms. You think it has been bad now, just imagine the latter. We would most likely still be in lockdown, masks, forced V, many more deaths, and possible concentration FEMA Camps for those who would not conform. It would be George Orwell’s 1984 on steroids. They are still trying to bring that to reality. It is known as the Great Reset. You need to open your eyes. This Plan is brilliant. It has been well thought out and looked at from every angle. It has imagined every scenario that could in any way alter it. They knew the risk. A general knows he will lose men in a fight that must take place to achieve the military goal. That is what Trump is doing. And these men are willing to die for that freedom. Are you? So I understand your initial concern, but now that these thoughts have been offered, I hope you now have a more clear picture.
It is not that Trump is playing games with our lives or that he intentionally is allowing all this suffering thinking it makes no difference. His life and his family have suffered through many assassination attempts on their very lives. I know full well you have not experienced that. I am not downgrading your own suffering or anyone’s suffering and hardships. They are just as real. People have lost family, jobs, friends, reputation, and careers. But I can guarantee you this, that when it’s all over, you too will understand the bigger picture. It will all make sense when the horrific reality of the evil is revealed and what it cost to do just that. Something positive is coming, and the American people will understand when the whole of it is explained, and it will surpass anything they have imagined. Stay strong. Believe. Trust. God Is Good! Chip Littler