ChipChat on Phil’s Live “October Surprise” “Red October”
Let me begin by telling you that I did subscribe to Locals today. I was paying monthly for DLive and a monthly fee for Telegram to get faster downloading time, but found I really did not need either of them. I canceled both. So I am paying exactly the same amount monthly now for Locals that I was paying for DLive and Telegram. It was an even trade! Phil was doing one of his silly silent dances on Locals waving back and forth. There was no time clock doing a countdown because, he can’t show pictures yet on Locals. He showed the photos of the finalists and the winner, so I switched over to Rumble to view those. I will post them. DLive was not working again tonight. He had a shirt on that said Independence. That was a comm easy to understand! Kind of ironic that this independence is, in a sense, from the Crown again! Think about that. He then lifted up Gunner! His dog. He was constantly licking Phil in the face. A really cute little puppy.
He then spoke about the art contest and the winners. See photos. He also mentioned the cruise. The Intel tonight was significant. The event is to happen by Friday. I will comment on this later. Pennsylvania has ruled that there will be no more mail in ballots. Also, non-dated ballots will not be counted. That is huge. This led to his explaining the upcoming election in just a few weeks. It was weird that Phil said November 7 instead of the 8th. A lot on his mind. Phil was saying that the White Hats are seeing if the election can be fixed by November and have the election, but he seriously doubts it will be resolved in time. The thinking is that if it can be fixed, then we would have a fair election. This is very odd to me. I wrote recently that if the Plan is not to proceed until after the election, whether we win or not, it will lose all of its impact and look like a right wing takeover. How would they be able to explain a corrupt election if they win in November? Just makes no sense to me. I still believe the election will be halted, at least that is what I am hoping.
Then what just happened with the explosions in DC at the FBI Headquarters was quite revealing. There is a complete underground city beneath DC. This apparently is where the Cabal has operated from for a long time. It is thought that some of the key Black Hat operatives were hiding down there. These explosions were much stronger than gunshots. They were not a coincidence. The White Hats were blowing them up strategically. They have been taken care of. The Black Hats were warned to come out or they would be killed in the explosions. The are running for their lives. It’s too late. Remember, we caught them all. All their passports have been revoked. The FBI is being dismantled as one of the most corrupt agencies in our history. Interesting side note here. When I was a police officer I applied to become an FBI agent. That was in the early 80’s. They asked me as series of questions of what I would do in particular high level and tense situations. I answered those questions from a biblical point of morality. Needless to say, I was not hired! Thank you Lord! Funny how God protects His children even when they have no clue.
The CIA has already been dismantled. This leads me to what I want to say next when I said I would talk about it later. It was shocking to hear Phil say that his next Live will not be until Monday or Tuesday. My first thought, and I am sure yours as well, is what happened to the BIG BIG event coming up by Friday? Is it not that significant? Will we understand it all? Will there be no need for further explanation with more detail? I assume now it will be self explanatory. For me, that rules out the SCOTUS announcement and the canceled election. I am thinking now it will be along the lines of a Hunter indictment (thought petty charges we are hearing), or some other arrest. Just my guess. If Hunter is indicted, it must lead to the end of Biden himself. That would be big news. Other than that, it just does not seem to be as BIG as we were told. We just have to wait and see. It will be Big news but not THE Big news such as the SCOTUS announcement or canceled election. I could be wrong.
Phil then was ready to tell us something much more significant. He got silent. He said, I am purposely stalling. He had a big grin on his face. He said I am not sure how all this going to end, but it will end…by the end of October! All of it! There really is not a lot left to do! It has all been done. Behind the scenes. Since 2017! That we all knew somehow, but the reality of it hit me hard tonight. We have been wanting real Intel of factual results. But we can’t have those. It all had to be kept quiet. No chance for error. And we knew that it would jeopardize the Plan. We have talked endlessly of the CEO’s who have stepped down, the missing celebrities, their houses for sale, body doubles, tribunals, Gitmo, Military movements, and on and on. We knew what was happening but just could not put our finger on it. Well, it hit us right between he eyes tonight. We have had a front row seat through all of it. Again, we have forgotten how privileged we are to have this front row seat. Most of America is still clueless! I remember the meme where all the normies are freaking out when this goes down, and the Anons and the Patriots will have a quiet smile on their face.
Phil did reiterate that the ending will not be for everyone. That still remains a puzzle in my mind. Does it mean that we will in some way be disappointed in maybe the way the Cabal operators are dealt with, or that the changes we expect will not be as drastic, or that all of the evil will never be fully revealed? Or does it mean that it will be so dramatic that many will never be able to accept it or even believe it? I don’t know. But the way Phil said it, it appears to be more of a negative statement than a positive one. Look what we have been through, Phil said. Financial problems, family separations, divorce, job loss, businesses lost, the V, death, six feet apart, masks, lock downs, loss of friends, and ALL this because they tried to take down President Donald Trump! Read that again. I am not sure we have grasped the depth of that truth. There is no other reason all this has occurred.
These complete alterations in our lives have been global! All because of hatred towards one man! The entire world was disrupted because of the fear of one man! That is astonishing. Phil then ended by saying it has all been of God. The change from last year to this one has been remarkable. Phil lost much in his life as well, but believed God has blessed him in that his role has been one to help all of us. Phil said he has given us a platform for freedom. To get the truth out. That thought hit me in a good way. I too have created a platform for all of you for freedom as well in getting the truth out there. I too have been blessed by God, and that blessing has come in the way so many of you have been blessed by my promoting biblical truth. There is no greater blessing than for you to know Christ more deeply and genuinely and intimately. That a joy in my heart unspeakable. You are my reward, and God gets the Glory.
Your relentless defense of this entire affair is going to be worth it. All the frustration will vanish; vindication is coming, relationships will be restored, and don’t give up. You have survived. Phil talked about putting on the whole armor of God. That is best understood not as protection from the world’s woes, but that one in Christ is fully protected from the onslaught of Satan against your soul. Jesus shall not lose one. Your life, if you are genuinely born again, is hid with Christ in God. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. We love because He first loved us. Satan has NO power over a Christian. So let us now with hearts filled with confidence expect great things. God is great. These next few weeks are apparently going to require brand new seat belts, new pop corn machines, and you better have your I TQLD YOU SO T-shirt! Yes, it is about unfold. The TRUTH is marching on. Godspeed, Chiplitfam17chat