9.18 am Chiplitfam17:
⚡️🥊🔥💥👀👉 ChipChat: More than a few requests have been made that I do a commentary on Trump’s Rally Speech last night. I said I was not going to but have reconsidered having thought about how many of you are frustrated, worried, concerned, yet many are still very hopeful. Let me lay it bare. It is time. This speech in its simplest terms was one giant comm. He must remain in the background making it all look as if nothing is out of the ordinary. It is almost a dreary picture of political normalcy and rhetoric as if nothing has truly changed. To add to this we have Pompeo and DeSantis making it look even more normal that it is just another election with people throwing their names into the hat. All of this has been effective, because a lot of you bought into it. I still do not believe Trump will be arrested in the normal understanding of being arrested. Again, if he is, it will be by the White Hats. All optics.
Who was the perceived audience of this speech? Certainly the DS, the establishment Republicans and even the conservative and liberal reporters on MSM, the “Normies,” and the not in the know Trump supporters, mainly those people attending these rallies. The Trump haters are not watching these speeches nor is the general public. These speeches are only being broadcast on TV through Newsmax. So the vast majority of the American people are not watching. They still have no clue. They are living their lives as they normally would. I see that every day in the passengers I engage with. They are just mad at high prices but do not understand why. They are now sadly much more interested in sports, movieland, video games, and selfies. That is where we are and all the more to understand the massive shock coming their way.
And that shock is fast approaching. We are familiar with the worn out phrase, “The immensity of what is coming will shock the world.” Well it’s true. Very true. More true than even we realize. Bank on the fact
that much has occurred behind the scenes. We still do not know who is really alive or dead. Does not matter. We will know. Don’t forget this is a global operation, a military sting operation that encompasses all Cabalistic governments. Let me say here that I do not put much faith in this calendric movement of trying to decipher dates based on the two calendars. We have had no proof of any such dating.
The symbolism is right in your face everywhere. Trump is a genius. His mentioning of Whirlpool last night, the liquid gold underneath, the flag with darkened stars, do you want the one hour speech or the two hour speech, the death penalty for human traffickers, and all the seemingly confusing talk of the election in November and 2024. The irony is that he will be running in 2024 after he finishes Biden’s two years, that is if we even have elections that will resemble past elections. I believe our entire system of government is going to change. No more Democratic or Republican Parties. No more division. We will be a unified Republic.
So where are we? Hang on to your hats. I understand that it all has appeared to be just too unreal for it to actually be reality. We hear endless projections and supposed dates with nothing seeming to happen. Texas just passed a ruling that the social media giants can no longer discriminate on content. This will open the door to lawsuits against these media giants. This will play out over the months and years. The SEC (securities and exchange commission) is like the IRS and the Federal Reserve. It controls the stock market. They are not federal. They are privately owned entities by the Cabal. The IRS is a Puerto Rico Corporation. You will hear more about this soon. The IRS is not found in the Federal Registry. The banking industry is going through massive change. We are about to witness real life, a life we have not experienced in our lives.
I am not proposing this 1000 years of peace. I understand man’s sinful nature. That has come about by a confused mixture of premillennialism and Dispensationalism.
We should be hearing some things about Antarctica in the near future. There has been some activity there. The details of what has been happening are going to blow your mind. Next Friday evening and Saturday morning, September 23-24 could be quite significant that may even affect the world. I can’t verify that, but have heard some support of it. The 29th may also be an interesting date. In the next few weeks we should begin to see events unfolding. The target date is the November election. Things have to happen by then. All this talk of Trump being a black hat and a Zionist in disguise is simply more disinformation from the DS. They are desperate.
Concerning Derek and Phil’s absence of late. Derek is simply laying out facts. He is not making projections. He is just letting you know what is by law. He has helped immensely, especially in the area of military dress code and the significance of the 21 gun salutes and their differences from funeral gun salutes plus the type of military songs displayed. Phil, I believe, is laying low (he has been on vacation) for the purposes of getting you to think, assess the situation on your own, and get you off the pablum. He wants you to remember all that he has told you these last two years. We don’t know how much his source has revealed to him, but we know Phil can only reveal what he is allowed. So don’t get frustrated. In time it will be known.
Finally, be comforted in that the military courts are getting ready. It’s coming. It’s almost here. You better be stocked in heart vitamins! It’s going to be dramatic. We have not fully grasped what is set before us. This is not cheap talk. The truth of the Queen is coming. Her reign is over. The Cabal is broke. We may face a scare event where we will think we have lost. It could be a nuclear scare event, an internet shutdown, power outages, bank closures, or some other FF. You have been prepared. You are in the know. You have been privileged. Stay humble. The people are going to need us. Your family, friends, and coworkers will finally know the truth, and those broken relationships can begin to heal. I don’t want you to think that this is going to be easy, that the White Hats have all this down. We are facing a life and death battle. The danger is still very real. When your life is in the gravest of danger, you must step into the fight. You can’t retreat. This is complex. This is complicated. But fear not, God knows what He is doing. Remember, we will not know what’s next until it occurs, but occur it shall. Chiplitfam17chat