ChipChat on Phil’s Live; The Impossible End of Debt! “[Q]ueen” 9/8/22 (9+8 =17)!
Do you get it yet? Do you now understand why it has taken so long? Do you realize it’s over? Do you who have doubted and never believed see the light now? There will be no further light given. Come home now, or you will be left behind. You will miss the greatest events that have ever occurred since Christ’s first advent. We are about to witness history that will be talked and written about for many many years. This was a spectacular Live tonight and one you must watch. Phil was back at the bar (he does not drink, so it’s kind of funny) and began with telling us that since nothing happened today, and that he had no Intel, he was not going to do the Live and simply tell us goodnight. He was wearing his shamrock cap, and a sleeveless T with 30 on it and a bridge! London Bridge? Phil looked intense tonight. He showed a 7 minute clip of one of his former Lives (April 20; Countdown) when he made his most famous statement that few understood at the time and that many disagreed with: “Don’t question me; don’t question my Intel, ever!” Then he showed where he detailed the events of the Queen’s Death Announcement. He told us that back in April. I remember that Live well. I realized then that Phil was either a raving lunatic or was the real deal. I settled on the latter. Many left him at that point. Too bad.
There was static several times but immediately fixed. He has a bad microphone. Then out of the blue loud audio came over that said something like “press this key to…” and I did not catch the rest, but the surprised look on Phil’s face was worth it all. He did not expect it nor did he explain it. That was the first time something like that has happened. Phil then began with the Intel. What was the significance of the announcement today about the Queen’s death? We know that she has been dead for some years. This was simply the announcement. The most striking Intel we learned tonight was that this death announcement date was set by the White Hats. It was 1776 days since the first Q Drop, at least that is what I heard. It was the White Hats who gave permission for its announcement, not the British Royal Family. That is significant. Who is in control? Hmm…
So what will be the effects of this announcement? This is the crux of the Live tonight. It was alluded to in Phil’s short clip from April 20. So where to now?
Over the next ten days (of darkness?) we will see changes in the banking system. Ten days is certainly a familiar term. We knew this was coming, we just did not know when. The Queen’s death is the kick starter or catalyst to this next series of events that will occur worldwide. Panic and confusion are now set in motion. There will be huge backlash coming from all directions. This is the “Shut Down.” We are prepared. Most are not. This will began what we have heard from the beginning that the end is not for everyone. The beginning of the shock commences now. It will be a time of darkness, figuratively speaking, and in some cases literally. It will begin in the UK and then spread worldwide. Phil whispered under his breath, “Bodies hitting the floor.” Fraud will be exposed, the truth about Clinton, Biden, John Podesta, it’s all coming down. Vindication is the word for tonight.
Another very important piece of information from Phil tonight was that he told us had he not the connection with his source, and the circumstances surrounding his life, we all would have been left with the Truthers we all know. What a dreadful thought. If it was not for Phil, his source would never have given this Intel to anyone else. Period. There was a level of trust that created a bond that allowed Phil and his source to communicate, and then for Phil to be able to communicate those things to us. What a gift we have received. My favorite phrase from Phil these last two years is when he says wait until you find out who has been talking to you. Interestingly, that can be read in two ways. Is he referring to himself (most likely) or his source? Quite frankly, both answers will be a delightful surprise. Had not this trust existed between Phil and his source, this information would never have been released, and we would know nothing of any worth. We would all still be in the dark. There would have been no Phil and no Intel. Further, the relationships we have built throughout this whole endeavor would never have been created. We have a lot to be thankful for.
Phil then gave a brief historical overview of the Central Banking system. I will go over it. Each country has a central bank which lends monies to the various banking institutions “across” (you can’t say around anymore!) the entire world. The central banks being controlled by the Rothchilds, who by the way are worth 600 Trillion dollars and actually probably more than that, basically run and control everything. In America we have the Federal Reserve. Any loan goes through them. The banks get their monies from the Federal Reserve. So when we buy a car for example, we go to a dealer. The car dealer does not loan the money. They contact a lender or you have your own lender. The lender pays the car dealer. You then pay back the bank, but the interest you are paying goes to the Federal Reserve. The income taxes you pay from your work go to the Federal Reserve. The IRS is the collecting agency for the Federal Reserve. It is a private bank and has nothing to do with the government. It is not Federal. So you borrow money at a high interest rate, and these interest payments are loaded at the top. In other words, the payments at the beginning of loans all go to interest. The Federal Reserve gets their money first. It is a very corrupt system. We are debt slaves. Then the banks take your money that you have in the bank and loan it out at high interest rates while your money in the bank makes little to nothing in interest. Now you know why they are always trying to get you to refinance. You refinance and the new loan again has all the interest at the top end, and it takes forever to get the principal paid off. If you buy a home it is better with a fifteen year loan than a thirty. But hopefully all of that is going to change.
Before 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created, three of the wealthiest men in America were dead set against this creation of the Federal Reserve. What people are going to learn is that these three men all died on the same day. They were on the Titanic. That is another story in and of itself. It was not an accident! Shortly after the Titanic, the Federal Reserve was created. Woodrow Wilson sold us out. He was one of the most corrupt Presidents ever along with Roosevelt. Churchill and Roosevelt planned Pearl Harbor to get America into the war. Why? The Rothchilds financed these wars, both sides. Big money is made in wars. It is quite profitable. As Phil pointed out, every President has gotten us into a war except Trump. It is has all been Cabal controlled. We have lived a lie. History has been a lie.
It is this corrupt system that the White Hats are destroying. Had Trump revealed the fraudulent election early, we would never have been able to shut down completely this evil system. It has been rough. People have suffered. But it would have been far worse had they not followed the Plan! Temporary fixes are not the solution. Financial problems are normally at the center of most people’s lives. Some have to work two and three jobs to stay above water. They live check to check. These financial problems cause divorce, murder, crime, hate, jealousy, and we know that the love of money is the root of all evil. You can see how easy it is for people to be persuaded to the Dark Side for money and security. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be Matthew 6:21. Sexual blackmail and money have been the tools of the Cabal. Drugs also play a huge role in controlling lives. It is why they could not persuade Trump. They had no power over him. That is why they fear him so. Once you give yourself over to deceit and lies, sin takes over. There is no getting out apart from God’s grace.
Next Phil said that the money in circulation has to be met by the money in the reserves. If the white hats have taken control of the Federal Reserve and now run everything through the U S Treasury, what is backing up the money supply? Gold! The Rothchilds are no longer in control. We got all the Gold from the Vatican and from the Rothchilds. These interest payments, which will be made much lower under NESARA , will now go into the U S Treasury and not to the Rothchilds. They will be used to rebuild the infrastructure of the United States and run the government which will be downsized greatly. The authority will be given back to the states. I predict there will be an end to the two party system. It will just be the United States Republic. I also see an end to this push for a Convention of States. It will not be necessary. This movement is actually quite dangerous in that the powers behind it want to change the Constitution. It has been very deceptive.
The student loan forgiveness program that we heard about from fake Biden is actually from the White Hats. It was another step in dismantling the Federal Reserve and taking down the system by bankrupting the Cabal. Then Phil made an interesting analogy comparing slavery in the Civil War to that of the modern debt slave we all are today. The slaves were indeed freed, but the evil Cabal just got smarter and devised this plan of the Federal Reserve to keep us all in debt forever. The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender Proverbs 22:7. So the whole program was optics. Show the people, create a shadow government, Trump stays in power, there is suffering and birth pangs, and it is all based on Law as Derek has so recently and wonderfully laid out.
Phil warned that rough times are coming. We may experience power outages and internet outages. Credit cards, ATM’s, and on line banking may not work. You need to have cash on hand. We are looking at a long term victory, not a quick fix. The Plan is in operation. Great things are coming. Is this fear mongering? No. In the old Testament Joseph, the son of Jacob who was betrayed by his brothers and taken into Egypt, gained the trust of Pharaoh and was put in charge. He stored up grain because a famine was coming. He did not operate out of fear but doing those things which are right in preparing for such things. There is much more to the story but suffice it to say that is what we are to do. Be prepared, not out of fear but out of love. The future is now. Phil said he is a messenger. He is there to inform and prepare the Patriots. It starts now!
Finally, I had to ask my self what is God doing? I do not know, but what I do know is that God is good. Should He grant us a reprieve and bestow mercy? I certainly hope so. The Christian is to expose evil and at the same time pray for his enemies. The Christian before his salvation was an enemy of God, but through God’s Grace he has been restored. I do know this, that whatever outcome is set before us, it is what God has decreed. We are to trust Him emphatically. Should He by His grace bestow mercy, we are to be thankful yet understanding that sin remains and men more than any restoration of a nation need the Gospel. The Church is the focus of Christ in all of history, and He moves not apart from His love towards her. God does not see boundaries between nations. He sees all men in their sinful and lost state calling them through His Gospel to repentance and belief. I am confident. Phil ended with his love towards us all, and closed with, “Time to Buckle Up!” chiplitfam17chat