ChipChat on Phil’s Live
“Next” The Takedown of Big Pharma
This may be one of my more important ChipChats. I imagine that everyone freaked out when the timer popped back up showing 1:59:46! Oh no, did Phil move it two hours forward? Then to our relief, there he was! He was wearing his St Louis baseball cap and a jersey with Samuel Adams Boston on the front with two long white tie straps hanging down. The audio was just right. Some time into the Live DLive crashed. I quickly switched over to Rumble to catch it all. I do not know if DLive ever came back. Phil began by confirming that we are living in extraordinary times. He said it could be uncomfortable for some tonight. He is back home in PA, and there was a small clock behind him but I could not read the time. Don’t know if it was significant or not. It is very hard for me to catch all the visuals of Phil’s Lives, because I am busy writing. I enjoy when you add things in the comments that I may have missed. Phil told us that there has been few Lives lately because of the lack of Intel. I think it has been almost a week since he was on. He did have something new for us tonight from his source. He also told us that a lot of false rumors are floating around and to be aware. We are at the end, so it is expected. Phil’s focus is the real deal. He has clearly been distinguished from almost all the Truthers. And they know it!
Phil said to be ready for the next three to four months. They will be unlike anything we have ever witnessed in history. This covert sting operation will take on a significance that we have yet to grasp in its depth and calculations. This fits squarely with the time frame of Trump’s return. It is certainly true that we all have lived a lie for our entire lives. It’s all about to change. The Matrix was and is no fabrication. Someone once remarked that the movie, “The Matrix” was not science fiction but a documentary! Exposure is coming! It will not be for everyone as we have heard before. This statement now has more meaning for me in that what I thought, meant that it was going to be gut wrenching, but I realize now that what is coming is more devastating and life altering than we have imagined. What do I mean? We talk of how things will be revealed and what all that encompasses. But have we we truly grasped the ultimate reality of what is about to unfold? Trump, the military, and this amazing team have been planning this covert operation for years. It is extensive, detailed, and fine tuned to a degree that truly, NCSWIC. This Cabal has been entrenched in the world for eons. It is such a massive undertaking to dismantle it that its secrecy had to be kept intact using information/disinformation/misinformation in such a strategic manner that even the Patriots had to be involved in it. Phil has crafted a delicate role, and when we look back, we will find the genius in all of it.
Phil stated that for the most part we have been prepared far better than most. We will still be stunned, but not shocked as if we had no clue. Everything we have waited for will soon get verification. It is going to be much more than we ever expected. Phil said that he is trying his best to help us arrive at some point of victory. It has been a long and difficult road. Some will have a tough time with what’s coming. He emphasized that he wants to help us make our own good financial decisions. Phil is not a financial advisor. Big things are coming on that scene and urges everyone the importance of converting your IRA’s and 401K’s into real gold and silver, not paper gold and silver. He gave a website to contact that will help in that area Just to let you know, I have been a member of 7K since last September, and I love it. I am not in a tiered group, so I do not receive weekly checks.
Then Phil began what we all were waiting to hear: Who is Derek Johnson? Right away I knew people were going to get confused with the verbiage Phil used and in the manner he used it. Critical thinking again, folks. Phil began by saying he does not know Derek. Phil did listen to the 90 minute video. But then Phil said he was upset. I am afraid people took that to mean Phil was upset with Derek. Phil said he has no reason to lie, and that there was no benefit to what Derek was doing. He had no reason to to lie at all. Here is where the confusion set in because you did not understand what Phil was doing or saying. People interpret words without understanding the context. What Phil was saying is that what Derek was saying was great! Phil agreed with Derek. The reason Phil said he had no reason to lie is because Derek was viciously attacked by other so called truthers. They accused Derek of lying! Phil was backing up Derek by saying what purpose would it serve for Derek to lie? That would make no sense. Derek was doing good! So attacking Derek was very wrong by these other truthers. I will not name names, but Phil was disappointed with the truther who attacked Derek. It is wrong to compare truthers by voicing that one likes one truther over another. That is an unhealthy view of favoritism. We are all in this together. Derek simply wants to inform. He has no personal agenda. Truth with unity is what must remain central in our focus. Unity without truth is self-defeating. Derek has said over and over that what he is telling us is nothing new, It is law, law that is right in front of your eyes. Phil has told us these things before, yet in a different manner over the years. Derek and Phil simply have their own unique and passionate styles.
Phil also wanted to let us know that Derek did not confirm what Phil has said. He simply informed that which we already had known. Phil appreciates what Derek is doing. It just resonated with everyone, because it came across in a different style. It is like a new rendition of one of your favorite songs that is really good. It’s the same song, but you are hearing it in a new way. There is zero competition between the two. They are complimentary. Derek did not change the substance of the information, just the way it was presented. To conclude, Phil did not like the way Derek was treated.
It was the right time to say we are at the precipice. We really are this time. It will be mind boggling, exciting, and even traumatic of what is about to occur over the next few months. Trump has the military command in a world wide alliance to combat this Cabal. We are working with China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and many others. This is a massive covert operation. We are fighting world corruption involving the economy, taxes, education, energy, currencies, finance, the courts, Big Tech, MEDIA, the medical field, and a host of other government and corporate agencies. We are fighting division both political and racial. Phil said don’t give the time of day to the MSM. There is no debt forgiveness with the fake Biden Administration, only redistribution (Socialism). What is most important is what is happening behind the scenes. NESARA is real. It is the Black Hats and the MSM telling you it’s not. The Med Beds are real. They are coming. No virus has ever been isolated. Not one! The future is at stake. We must protect the children. Phil again said these next three to four months will be eventful. My thought is that the longest this could go on could reach to March 4th in that that was the original inauguration date to swear in the new President. I am not saying nothing will happen until then, but that could be the actual date Trump is sworn in matching to the original Constitution and Trump being the 19th President. Just a thought. It does not matter in that he is still in charge no matter when he takes office. Maybe it could be ceremonial on the 4th.
We have not truly realized the extent of the Cabal’s influence in the world and what is involved in taking it down and correcting it. They have run our lives into the ground. They have tampered with our food, they have inundated us with prescription drugs, chemo, we have autism, ADHD, physical birth defects, dyslexia, and infant death syndrome all on the rise, much less what the V has done. I was in education for 18 years and the amount of children from elementary to high school on behavioral drugs was frightening. Many were so zonked out they could barely keep from falling asleep. They were almost zombie like. You do realize the schools get paid extra dollars for any student labeled as a Special Ed student, especially if they are on medications.
The Deep State knew they were not going to win the election in 2020. Trump’s support was too massive. Now you know the rest of the story. We learned tonight they spent over one trillion dollars on advertising for c o v i d and the V. They had the ingredients in place for the V years earlier. The MRNA was a programmable type V to genetically modify to do whatever it needed to do. You have all seen the blood clots that have been extracted from both dead people and those alive. Here is is the crux of Phil’s new Intel . This is beyond evil. C 19 was designed to deprogram through the 5 G Network by sending sound waves communicating with the human subject for control. If the c 19 did not kill you, Remdesiver would finish the job. I know that sounds too much like Sci Fi, but that was the sinister plan. Too unreal? I told you that many will not be able to handle the truth. It will be just too much for them to believe or accept. Their plan was to control the political system first, before mind control. Does Orwell’s 1984 come to mind?
Covid--Government control--5G. Who put all this together? How was it to be implemented? Who was really in control of this? Let me say here that I believe the Lord would never let this happen to his Creation. Phil suggested we watch season 4 of “West World.” It lays this out. Their sinister plan has been thwarted. How ironic that what has been promoted as a conspiracy theory is turning into truth. We are learning that Big Pharma is in it for profit only, and that they actually promote sinister procedures. They are not interested in cures or preventative measures, only treatment! Someone said there is no money in healthy patients! The cancer industry is one of the largest money making medical fields. Finding a cure for cancer would put them out of business.
So what is on the horizon? What is going to happen to Big Pharma? They are going down! What was fascinating tonight that we learned from Phil and his source was how can you take down a giant like Big Pharma who has unlimited funds and political sway at every level of government? They control legislation. You catch them in the act. To devise such a wicked plan using c 19, the V, and 5G there had to be communication between the participating parties. The people who created the V and the carriers of the 5G to coordinate all this. You allow them to continue with their plan then catch them all. How do kill such a stronghold? Big Pharma is going down in flames. The whole reason for c 19, the V, and 5G was designed to control you! All those who were a part of this will be taken down, and not just some time in prison. This is treason and crimes against humanity. We will see another Nuremberg. Who knew? What legislators pushed for mandatory vaccines? What governors and mayors? What government agencies were involved? Verizon, ATT, T Mobile? They were all involved. Are you sick to your stomach yet? Are you furious? Do you see now that that most people are not going to be able to handle this?
Has Prism been utilized? NSA? Military? Most likely. Remember, Trump said we have it all and we caught them all. This is no joke. Not only did they steal an election, but their ultimate goal was total control of human behavior. Believe it or not, that is exactly what government education in our schools has been doing for the last 50 years. It is no longer classical education but indoctrination. I did a study on how literature was studied in the 1600 and 1700’s and into the mid 1800’s. They studied content. They read to understand what the author was saying as he used his language skills to convey meaning in the text and what the author was trying to teach often involving spiritual matters. A paradigm shift occurred in the late 1800’s and into the 1900’s to today. In school in the literature classes they have moved from content to technique! Now what is studied is how the author uses his language skills such as irony, foreshadowing, symbolism, and how he implements those literary devices. Content is no longer important! Why? No author sits down to write a novel so that he can impress using his literary skills. Those are simply his tools like a hammer and saw for a carpenter. Content is no longer studied because the classics precisely dealt with the moral issues of life involving spiritual matters. You can no longer discuss those things in public education because of the false understanding of separation of church and state, and certainly one can’t dare to mention the Bible. So when students take the AP Exams today, the questions all center around how the author used a certain literary device. You will never see a question asking the student to detail the spiritual implications in “The Scarlet Letter” or the symbolism of Moby Dick as he represents God and Ahab as depraved man in his hatred of God.
Phil is so much a deeper Truther than most if not all. Phil said this is not a game. He is not the Phil Talk Show or the Happy Hour with Phil. We are dealing in reality. How close were we to losing it all? What Phil is doing, and Derek is what the MSM should have been doing. All this time. But they have become captured enterprises by the Cabal. Trump is systematically destroying the entire system of the Cabal on a global scale. It is pure genius. For me, this proves God’s hand is in all this, because it is just too massive an evil enterprise for man alone to defeat this. Phil said I am the Captain now! We are survivors. He quickly gave an update on the Scranton Times lawsuit and said they are doomed. I have news for you, what is coming will be shocking. Phil identified with all those suffering for he too lost family, job, and loved ones to the jab. He said what will replace Big Pharma? Med Beds! Fiction has become reality. The criminals are going down. People have to know what happened. They must be told the truth. He ended with another powerful soon to be truth. Black Out! He assured us not to be frightened. There will be many who will not understand, but that is our job to bring them along. We are prepared. We are strong. We are together. We are the true Digital Soldiers. What a marvelous time to be alive. We are not only witnessing history, we are a part of that history. We have been called to something very unique and quite special. You can feel it! Chiplitfam17chat