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ChipChat on Derek Johnson’s Videos
“Wake Your Assess Up!”
The first thing I want to say is that it is nice to have a fresh view on the state of things. Derek seems to have come out of nowhere, has taken the bull by the horns and laid out a scenario that we can all relate to with confidence and assurance that what we have believed for the last two years is solid. He is the perfect compliment to Phil, and it is my hope that the two will get together. It will be iron sharpening iron. He is concerned that what he is talking about is not being projected on the media sites or by Truthers. The central message and theme from Derek is that law and order are the backbone to this Republic backed by the Constitution and especially military law and code which preceded even the Constitution. We are a country of laws. And Trump has followed these laws to perfection. Military law is distinct from Federal law and was established before Federal law. That is important to understand. The military superceeds even Congress. His main proposal is that Trump was inaugurated January 20, 2020. Our main problem has been the sad fact that our public education system does not teach these things. We have been ignorant of these laws and we have no excuse. It reminded me of the Scriptures where there too is much ignorance, because the pulpits have not been preaching the Gospel.
Some key points: Trump is the President. The executive orders that he signed as President were designed to combat the corruption that he was well aware of and to continue the War Powers of the President which had not been done since FDR who served four terms. The military helped in writing these EO’s. Biden is not the President. Several reasons. That is not Biden first of all. Secondly, and Derek spent a great deal of time explaining this, at his “Inauguration” he was given not the normal 21 gun salute with the proper song, Hail to the Chief but instead was given a 13 gun salute and the song played was, Honor March #1. This is for military funerals. It was all optics as Derek explains, and symbolic. Biden was also not saluted as his procession passed by the military. Trump is also the only President ever to leave the White House on AF 1. None of this was hidden from the public, but we were simply not aware of what was really transpiring. Derek also explained that during the 2016 campaign Trump gave clues. One time was at the debates when all the Republican candidates were on stage. Jeb Bush asked Trump who will support you? Trump replied that 200 Generals were and the implication is that it included all their divisions. Thousands of soldiers. Also, that Trump said he will never announce the Plan to anyone. Derek mentioned that when a soldier took his oath, the proper order was support and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. There is no motivation to defend unless one understands why and what he supports.
Part 2 of 3
Derek brought up the court case of Marbury vs Madison 1803. A landmark Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the US, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution. This ruling is still today considered the single most important decision in American constitutional law. It is not just a statement of political principles and ideals, but helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the federal government. It was argued February 11, 1803 and decided February 24, 1803. All laws that do not fit this ruling are to be considered null and void. You can see that this has not been applied at all in our modern day captured court system. It proves out how corrupt the courts have become. Just some ideas to consider that have no constitutional backing: Income taxes, registration fees, licenses and permits to build or start a business, drivers licenses, Social Security Cards, marriage licenses, and on and on.
What we are witnessing and what has been taking place since Trump took office back in 2017 is a military covert operation (sting operation). The military has been in control since Biden’s Inauguration, which by the way did not occur at the proper time as outlined by the Constitution. It was at 11:47am instead of noon. The military has placed fake Biden into office. Everything he has done is of no consequence. Where is Kamala, Derek asked? It was reported that Joe and Kamala were on AF 1. We know that was bogus because you never put the President on the same plane with the VP. Everything is coming to fruition. What was most fascinating is that Derek told us when the military branches came into existence. All of them in 1775, before the Declaration of Independence. This Declaration had been signed 7 years before the war was over! These men were confident and brave. Our Flag was born in 1777.
Derek emphasized that today we want instant gratification at the touch of a button. These men, our Founding Fathers sacrificed their fortunes and lives to create a Republic free of tyranny. He told the story of the Alamo and how these brave men gave their lives for freedom. We have lost that today, but I believe the spark has been ignited slowly bringing back true heroism and men of valor. We have a very spoiled and lost generation today whose lives center around selfies and self absorption; their views on life do not exceed two inches from their eyes. When they are approached with truth it is shunned, because they can no longer think critically. If you could sum up in one word what this current generation stands for it would be, “Whatever!” In other words, nothing is worth believing in or fighting for. -------------------
Part 2 of 3
Derek brought up the court case of Marbury vs Madison 1803. A landmark Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the US, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution. This ruling is still today considered the single most important decision in American constitutional law. It is not just a statement of political principles and ideals, but helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the federal government. It was argued February 11, 1803 and decided February 24, 1803. All laws that do not fit this ruling are to be considered null and void. You can see that this has not been applied at all in our modern day captured court system. It proves out how corrupt the courts have become. Just some ideas to consider that have no constitutional backing: Income taxes, registration fees, licenses and permits to build or start a business, drivers licenses, Social Security Cards, marriage licenses, and on and on.
What we are witnessing and what has been taking place since Trump took office back in 2017 is a military covert operation (sting operation). The military has been in control since Biden’s Inauguration, which by the way did not occur at the proper time as outlined by the Constitution. It was at 11:47am instead of noon. The military has placed fake Biden into office. Everything he has done is of no consequence. Where is Kamala, Derek asked? It was reported that Joe and Kamala were on AF 1. We know that was bogus because you never put the President on the same plane with the VP. Everything is coming to fruition. What was most fascinating is that Derek told us when the military branches came into existence. All of them in 1775, before the Declaration of Independence. This Declaration had been signed 7 years before the war was over! These men were confident and brave. Our Flag was born in 1777.
Derek emphasized that today we want instant gratification at the touch of a button. These men, our Founding Fathers sacrificed their fortunes and lives to create a Republic free of tyranny. He told the story of the Alamo and how these brave men gave their lives for freedom. We have lost that today, but I believe the spark has been ignited slowly bringing back true heroism and men of valor. We have a very spoiled and lost generation today whose lives center around selfies and self absorption; their views on life do not exceed two inches from their eyes. When they are approached with truth it is shunned, because they can no longer think critically. If you could sum up in one word what this current generation stands for it would be, “Whatever!” In other words, nothing is worth believing in or fighting for.