ChipChat on Phil’s Live
“Q and A”
Phil began with some new high tech fade in and fade out graphics at the very beginning when he first came on after the music. He had a big smile on his face! He was energized, full of life, and his voice was strong. Looks like he had a new haircut, no glasses (he put them on later in the Live), and was wearing OAKLEY on his shirt. He said to research it. His hat was colorful and a comm came across later in the Live…I’m wearing it for the 4th of July! Hmm…That caught my attention. Very nice kitchen in the background. I heard one comment that someone thought it was a green screen! Too funny.
He began the first 30 minutes describing a new global advertising campaign on PSI. Looks very interesting. He asked if there are any artists who could draw a picture of him that he will use in the advertising campaign. The artist whose drawing is chosen will receive $2500. The other top five will get one year free on PSI. Someone said use your mug shot! Phil laughed and said that was really funny. I thought so too. I have been a member since last September. I have never received a downline paycheck but have received a few small checks for my points from buying Silver and my monthly auto saver. My renewal comes up in a few weeks. I have really enjoyed the whole process. It is addicting waiting for your monthly Silver coin. If you are interested in joining PSI, let me know on FB Messenger. Phil has reached the top payment level in PSI, so his motivation is now in helping you. After he finished he said I am having fun! Phil would never invest his time and money into this new PSI advertising campaign if he was a fraud. It would completely destroy his reputation and his business. Think about that.
Phil mentioned how interesting it was how he and Keri met through an email out of hundreds. This one caught his eye. He attributed it to fate, that it was meant to be. Let me say here I knew what he meant, but fate is the wrong word. There is no such thing as fate or even luck. Fate denotes that there is no divine purpose behind it, that it is just happenstance and that it just occurs without purpose or design. It was Providence. Providence denotes purpose and design with meaning. God has decreed all things in our lives giving meaning and purpose. His design is always to direct you toward Him.
So began the Q and A. The RV (Revaluation) will occur after the EBS/EAS. I was happy that this next question was asked which cleared up a lot of confusion concerning the Special Election in contrast to a regular election and the the ideas surrounding the destruction of the ballots on September 4th. This Special Election is unique and does not follow general election rules and guidelines. We are in new territory. The time limit concerning the destruction of the ballots has no significance in that this was a fraudulent election and simply does not apply or even matter. The military has the official count. So need to worry about that anymore. The CDC statistics will eventually be revealed in reference to c o v I d. He was asked if Anne Heche was still alive. He does not know but believes something fishy was going on. He was asked what travel will be like when EBS occurs. He said there will be canceled flights, closed roads, and other issues as well. That would only be logical. At this point an echo was audible. He fixed it, but it did come back several times. 6.3 million listeners.
He was asked if the Department of Education will be dismantled. He said not eliminated but transformed as well as most other government agencies. The drug companies as well. He was asked about EO 14067. Phil could not recall. It is “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.” It has to do with financial stability and financial system integrity. It is to reduce the cost of domestic and cross-border funds transfers and payments. It is to combat crime and illicit finance increasing national security. It is to protect consumers, investors, and businesses in the United States. Phil was asked if he is involved in Space Force. He said no. Q is not on Telegram. Q has nothing to do with other Telegram channels with a Q in them. Concerning Mike Lindell and his latest talks is that we do need need any new information in regards to election fraud. We have it all. The FAKE signs on Phil’s Telegram should be removed soon. There is no 5 G. He will have an “Unboxing” soon. He will not be attending Trump’s rally in Scranton. JFK Jr is not Q (that was interesting) but is a part of it (misinformation?). Phil was asked if he was a hacker for the US Government. He hesitated, then said no in the way the question was asked (military?). He mentioned that Boeing is in trouble.
This was the funniest question of the night. Phil was asked if Trump endorsed AOC? Phil’s face said it all. Durham is still working, and Phil said something is coming but could not comment. Where is Obama was raised? Where is Obama? Phil replied. Someone asked what all the oranges symbolized. It is death symbolized in the movie “The Godfather.” Mitch McConnell is playing a role. Another good question came near the end about new candidates being chosen to run to replace the ones who got in through the fraudulent election. That was interesting. The final and to me the most significant Intel tonight was that Phil believes the fake Biden that has been around for some time, and if you remember Phil said he was very ill, has died. We have a new actor now playing the role. He was replaced by the White Hats. I realize that raises a lot of questions. Who was he? How did his family respond to this? How were those details laid out? Will we ever know the truth? So many unanswered questions. Was Jill replaced again? Imagine Jill now with another actor! But we know that is not the real Jill either. Nobody could have created and written this story. Truth is most definitely stranger than fiction. For me, the next logical event that needs to take place for any of this to make sense is the announcement by SCOTUS that the election has been overturned. That will be the catalyst that ignites the spark setting off an avalanche of events that will finally begin to unfold The Great Awakening. That is the only true and final “Marker” that we have all been waiting for. And wait we must. Chiplitfam17chat