Chip’s Thoughts The New CNN, News you can trust! “Chip’s News Network” 8/3/22
Umgawa, Simba Kati. Una Todo Bebe! When Tarzan spoke the animals listened and obeyed. There was no other option. They knew who was Lord of the Jungle. They came at his beck and call, literally. It was a distinguished call and could not be imitated or altered. The animals immediately recognized the authenticity and genuineness of that call. And they obeyed. What call or voice was that? It was the call and voice of reason. Why am I saying this? Many are still listening to the wrong call or voice. Many have been influenced failing to recognize the purposed deceptions from these impersonators in the MSM and the Cabal. People quickly forgot the very reason why they were in this fight. What Phil just addressed in this last short live and will expand on further tonight, is that many have lost their focus and original reason for everything they have been involved in. People are quickly attracted to certain results that at first seem to be beneficial, but with further reflection reveal dire circumstances. Lin Wood has expressly warned us time and time again that unless 2020 is fixed, nothing else matters. Primaries, 2022, 2024, and ALL future elections simply will NOT matter. Your vote does NOT matter. It has not mattered since Kennedy was in office. You have NOT been electing the representatives into office you thought you were voting for. They have been selected! This idea to fix this mess if everybody votes, and then we can override the corruption is a false idea. Simply look at 2020. Trump had more votes than any other President in History. It did NOT matter.
To believe that your vote and the votes of all the Patriots in these upcoming elections will somehow override the fraud is utter foolishness. These corrupt Cabal players have tricked you into believing this idea that your vote counts, and they are wholeheartedly behind the idea for Patriots to push the “Get out and vote” propaganda. It fits their narrative; It keeps you buffooned into believing the system is legitimate and working. You say, well we will get them next time! The old idea that it was un-American not to vote is true, but that was within a system that was legal and honest. It truly is disheartening that your vote has meant literally nothing since 1963. And this has been a global issue, not just an American one. Don’t get confused with what I am saying here. Voting is one of the greatest privileges we have, but in a corrupt system it has lost its proper function. To think that this time if we get more Patriots to vote, we can solve our problems. That is not the problem. That is not where the corruption lies. It’s not the effects of the problem that are causing the problem, it’s the central core of the problem itself. The problem is the SYSTEM! It is the system that must be abolished in its entirety. The entire system run by political action groups, unions, special interests, and focus groups. The entire system of Republicans and Democrats. That only divides. It was created to do just that. Divide us. The irony is that the Cabal has controlled both sides since its inception. It made no difference to them who won. They let us play these silly games of Republican and Democrat. If you haven’t noticed, there has been little difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. The entire system run by unelected people in high positions of power is what must be dismantled.
This is what Trump has been fighting against. This is what all of us have been fighting for. So what is the solution? What are we to do? How do we really fix this debacle? We must first recognize the heart of the problem. The White Hats have done that. It has now been made known who and what the problem is. We now know! We did not know a few years back! We have identified the Cabal players, and they are now on the run. I believe that we will find out that most of them have already been detained or arrested or have flipped and now working with the White Hats. Much will be revealed. The only thing we are to fear along with the possibility that Trump may never be back and we lose our Republic, is if 2020 is not fixed. All that were involved in the fraud must be brought to swift justice and convicted of treason, and you know what the punishment for treason is. That is the bottom line. So the focus to get Trump back into office and recognized by all as President, is to reveal and fix the 2020 election. Make that truth known. There really is no other way. So what I see coming is the announcement of SCOTUS overturning the election, EBS (EAS) being used to explain it all to the American people with video of tribunals, confessions, and executions and the harsh reality of the extent and horrors of all the child trafficking. These truths cannot be kept hidden from the American people no matter how disgusting or gruesome they are. We will never heal or truly come together as a Nation and a true Republic that was originally established by our Forefathers until the truth be known in its entirety. We must Pray that God’s Justice will be swift and that God’s Mercy will reach out to the lost. Losing one’s Country is a far cry from losing one’s soul. One is temporal, the other eternal. Chiplitfam17chat