Chip’s Overview of Phil’s Live
7/6/22 “Current Events” WOW! WOW! WOW!
Phil was wearing a shirt with 17 on the front and a Shamrock on his cap. The Shamrock is derived from the Irish “shamrog” which in turn comes from “seamair og” and this translates into English as: “young clover.” It is the national symbol of Ireland and became the emblem for revolutionary nationalists groups. In 1961 Ambassador Thomas Kiernan of Ireland presented a bowl of Irish shamrocks to President Kennedy! Revolution? Kennedy taking down the Cabal? How awesome and symbolic is that! The side of the cap said, “Lucky Lady.” He began to tell us that he felt like he had been run over by a garbage truck, that all the garbage was dumped on top of him, then he was lit on fire! That is pretty descriptive! I would say that he was definitely having a bad day. He said there were tons of comms behind him that would keep us busy for some time. I will take a stab of the set up behind him. It was a bar scene (Party Time?). Two big signs on each side of him partially covered (we are not quite there yet?) the one his right said, “Home of the Brave.” The one on his left said “Land of the Free.” Both sides of America will be healed symbolizing no more intrusion and deceit from the left; there will be no more division. A tequila “Silver” bottle on the right (that one is obvious), American Flags on the right (Independence), Bar glasses on both sides, some upside down in sets of 3 or 4 it looked like. They were right side up on his right side and upside down on his left side (symbolic?). The sign in the top right said, ALCOHOL BECAUSE NO GREAT STORY EVER STARTED WITH SOMEONE EATING A SALD (it is time to eat meat, figuratively speaking referencing substance). There was a copper (gold in color) cup to his right with a smaller gold copper cup and another gold copper cup behind the two, again obvious.There was a WELCOME sign behind Phil in cursive ( real education to begin again?). Another sign behind Phil to his left said, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE…AND A GOOD BARTENDER. For some very strange reason it made me think of AOC! Has she turned? That would be an interesting one to ponder. Another American Flag was to Phil’s side though blurred or dimmed (Old Glory to be revived?). There was an orange behind Phil’s left shoulder (Orange man back; death to the enemy?). I could not read the other sign behind Phil’s left shoulder. Too blurry. At the very top it read, God Bless America, land that I love You guys can have a wild time figuring out what you think all these things mean.
Phil began by telling us that when he spoke of keeping your eyes on Georgia, we all were led to believe it concerned politics or election fraud. But we learned tonight it was pointing to the Georgia Guidestones (1980 to 2022). They have a very unique story behind them, but suffice it to say they were symbols of evil for the Cabal. Research the story. You will have to dig to get to the true story. They were hit by some energy weapon or drone symbolizing the Cabal’s reign of control is over. Interestingly, it was George Bush’s BD! Any reference to 911? Later today they were completely dismantled and destroyed. It reminded me of Dagon in Judges 16:23; 1 Samuel 5:2-5; and 1 Samuel 5:7. Read those passages. Fascinating parallel. Phil said these stones were placed in a very specific location by the Freemasons to block energy in that area. I don’t know much more about that. He mentioned CERN in that its original purpose was to try and open a portal for the entrance of Satan. I imagine they were prideful enough to think they could physically meet and worship their god. I find that a little strange, because it proves they know nothing about the truth of Scripture since Satan is already here and ruling this world though under the Sovereignty of God Luke 4: 4-7. How ironic that these Satan worshipers think they are worshiping a god when in fact they are actually worshiping themselves in defiance of the one true God. That is idolatry of the highest order.
A message was certainly sent to the Cabal and for them to expect more of their symbolic power structures to be dismantled. Hopefully we will begin to take down their demonic symbols worldwide. This was just the beginning. And hopefully we will rebuild and replace all the monuments that were destroyed by all the treasonous traitors two years ago. Phil talked about the revamping of Trump’s plane. There is a video about it on Telegram. He is getting ready. Trump stated that it was time to return to the skies, and he was not talking about the plane! And he added, maybe sooner! SCOTUS is now under the protection of the military and Roberts is also under the protection of NATO! They are being kept safe in very secure locations because, and here comes the greatest news EVER, and I mean EVER, SCOTUS has overturned the election!!! You heard that right! The announcement will come at the right time. You can trust this long anticipated news completely, because it is coming from the highest source. IT’S OVER! WE WON. God is working! To God be the GLORY! I am having difficulty typing, because I am shaking! Literally. The TSA news we just heard about that they had to be trained in the Continuity of Government was confusing at first, because it was issued in 2012. It was originally purposed for safety for the airlines and the people, because in 2012 the military was ready to take OBAMA out by force. But Trump came along, they changed plans, and now you know the rest of the story. TSA agents must now be trained again. TRUMP IS BACK! Phil was RIGHT the whole time. Biden and the entire facade will be ending. Things will be made right. No more Markers to be met! No new path to follow! I would even say that the Queen’s death is now almost insignificant. I told you long ago that when this news would finally break, we would be stunned more than the American people, because we have waited so long and it seems so surreal and hard to grasp that it has actually happened. It’s not going to sink in for awhile. Our minds will hard to turn off tonight trying to sleep. My heart is literally beating at an increased rate. My Oh My how our Telegram chat is going to switch from negativity to explosive discussions centered on joy and exaltation. Sadly, there still will be those few who refuse to believe and will continue to doubt and criticize. They are simply robbing themselves of participating in and enjoying the greatest time in their lives. Things are going to change rapidly; it will be quite astonishing and almost impossible impossible to keep up with all that is about to transpire in our world. But we have been well prepared. We can count ourselves most fortunate that we have had Phil on this journey. I pity those who doubted and never believed. It will be quite revealing to see how many now jump on the Trump Train, saying that somehow they always knew in the back of their minds that Trump was coming back. Well, we all do need to come together. We are Phamily! Our Republic, by God’s Grace, has been saved! Remember, Trump said some time ago that America will never be a Socialist Nation. We can rejoice! We can begin the process of healing the broken relationships. They will soon learn the truth, and there is that word again, soon. But this time we can count on it! Last thought. Phil was sick. He was thinking of postponing the Live again. People went ballistic. But he came through. His Live was even taken off line, again. Everyone gasped. The comments were insane. He could have easily said I will just have to go live tomorrow night. But he didn’t. He finished it. And that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to stay strong and finish this together. We are going to bring back all those who drifted away. We have the confidence now. We have the TRUTH! To God be the Glory forever and ever! Amen. Chiplitfam17chat