Chip’s Overview of Phil’s Live 6/24/22 “Roe v Wade Has Been Overturned”
Phil had on an LA Dodgers Baseball Cap and a shirt with San Francisco on the front. No other comms that I could detect. Let me preface this overview by saying I have much to discuss tonight concerning today’s events. Again, this was “Old School” Phil at his best. He was on fire! To begin, Phil immediately put to bed the news of this new charge against him in reference to some paperwork he filled out in his trying to purchase a firearm in Pennsylvania some time ago. He just learned about it today from Telegram! He has had no legal or proper documentation sent to him in regards to this matter or was he advised of such matters from the court. You would think that his probation officer would have known something about it. Strange indeed. Phil believes he was mislead in the questions (they were oral and not written) that were asked of him in reference to purchasing this firearm. The charges are real. “Intent” to commit a crime or lie on a federal document must be proved. He has contacted his atty and no arrests will be made or warrants issued per his atty. These new charges will not affect his probation because of the dates involved. No felony is involved. He will put forth his defense and my guess is that the charges will be dropped or just issued a fine. I am sure he will update us as this progresses. Will put this information out today and quite frankly, it is disgusting, because his motivation is hatred and most likely jealousy. He is like a little kid squealing on his brother or sister for stealing cookies out of the cookie jar! Proverbs 24:17 says, “ Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles.” It did shock and scare Phil. Heck, that would scare anyone. I can only imagine the attacks that will now follow. They will be intense. Get ready. Don’t fall for them. Phil said if you no longer want to follow me that he understood and thanked you for being with him all this time. But I wouldn’t do that if I were you! Let’s move on. What a day!
The first thing Phil wanted to clear up in regards to his statement that Roe v Wade would not happen until after Trump returned was misunderstood. Phil did not report it as Intel but only was suggesting that it would make more sense if it was done after Trump’s return. That was logical to me as well. Phil had an idea that it might get overturned, but he simply did not know. Communication is a very delicate enterprise. It is far too easy to misjudge the intent of what someone is trying to communicate. We very often read into what we hear our own preconceived ideas of what we want to hear! People that hate the truth always twist the meaning of words. It is precisely what Satan did in the Garden deceiving Eve. He twisted God’s Word.
Abortion was not literally overturned in the sense that abortion is now completely done away with. It now goes to the States to decide. Some states have already banned it. Some liberal states will at first approve abortion I’m sure, but I believe in time it will be done away with completely as the lies about it will be revealed. When the truth of the harvesting of baby organs is made known and what is done with these aborted fetuses and body parts not only in medicines and vaccines but also in our foods is revealed to the public, all hell will break loose. The timing of having these decisions for the states will be interesting. Will they be on the ballot for the Mid-Terms? Governors now running for office will most assuredly have to reveal their positions on abortion, and it will either make or break them. Abortion alone will be the determining factor in these elections. What we are are about to witness is the extent of the evil of these pro-abortionists. This really isn’t about abortion at all. It’s about their absolute hatred of God and His right to rule over them. It is what caused Satan to fall. Pride, self-worship, and self-deification. You have most likely heard the famous quote from John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” 1667, “Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.” Men love the darkness rather than the light.
SCOTUS was to go on leave after Thursday but added Friday as an extra day for opinions. Now we know why. Now again they have added Monday! This was very unusual and unique. The date is June 27th. Phil emphasized its significance but did not tell us why. Decertification? We can pray. What a climax that would be. First the 2nd Amendment ruling in New York, then Roe v Wade, and Decertification next? WOW! Phil then went into a lengthy discussion about how SCOTUS is not being controlled by the Cabal. If they were, we would never have gotten that decision today. Some of the liberal voting by some of our conservative Justices has been to show that they were not biased. They are smart. They were preparing for these decisions today and those coming up. We are under two forms of government. A shadow government being run by Trump and the White Hats and the illegitimate one by fake Biden. The difference is that Biden has no real authority or power. Trump is the President. And they ALL know it! All of Biden’s policies will be overturned as if they never existed. Phil again mentioned that there may be a path where we will be refunded our losses from the high prices of gasoline. (NESARA?) That would be nice. Phil reemphasized that if 17 and the Plan were not real, that everything we have believed is a lie and a Psyop, that everything he has told us for these last two years has been a lie, and that all the White Hats have been lying this whole time is simply flat out impossible. It just can’t be. If after tonight’s Live from Phil , and it was again one of his best, and you still have doubts, you at this point in time are not listening and have closed your eyes and ears to the reality of it all. What is keeping you back? I will say this, and you may consider it harsh, but you who are still doubting (you must still be listening to the MSM or are one of those who will not believe until you hear it from the MSM) or have never believed or who are incessant trolls, when all this goes down you had better not jump on the Trump Train and say that in the back of your mind you always knew this was going to happen. Don’t do it. You do not have that right nor deserve the joy that belongs to those who NEVER faltered or gave up. Yes, that may be a little strong, but it’s true. And people hate the truth.
If you do not believe in the “plan” then your only other option is that Biden is really Biden, that Trump really lost the election, that there was no fraud, the the Cabal is still in power, that there are no real White Hats, that SCOTUS is really in the hands of the DS, that Assange was a fake, that Snowden found nothing wrong, that all of Congress is going about their job in a normal fashion at the White House and the Capitol, that there are no fences or barricades, that the FBI and CIA and IRS and Federal Reserve are honest agencies, and that the Democrats are not corrupt nor are there any corrupt Republicans. Are you kidding me? Phil told us tonight that he never once doubted, not a single time! Neither have I nor have the majority of all of you. Digital Soldiers do not retreat! He touched again on EO 13848 and its significance in this whole endeavor. It was a brilliantly crafted order. Trump knew! Phil told us to keep our eyes open. He reminded us again that the Insurrection Act was signed shortly after an assassination attempt on Trump, and that he is coming back with a vengeance! Most likely after the election is overturned, all this being done legally, that the 14th Amendment will kick into gear. The states will vote Trump back in. It’s coming! I want to comment here about Trump back by July 4th. Some are saying back could mean that he is back in the sense that people now see the corruption and it is a four-gone conclusion that Trump is rightfully the President. In that sense he is back! That is one way to look at it. Is he back literally with everything resolved? Hmm.. Not sure, but it really does not matter. He is coming back. You can feel it. Everything is moving in our direction. That is what is important. Don’t let your expectations rule your emotions. Use common sense. Be realistic. The writing is on the wall.
Phil talked about the horrors of what has happened to the children. Children were reported missing but never to be seen again. This involved massive planning and billions of dollars to create an intricate and diabolical world network of evil to harness and move these children across the globe feeding the insatiable lust of these demonic monsters. What was done to them is beyond horrific. And all of this under the cover of humanitarian agencies and foundations and corporations that we trusted. I still think many will have great difficulty believing and accepting these harsh and brutal realities. One of my sons is a Houston Police Officer, a detective working child sex crimes. The news agencies are not even allowed to report what he deals with on a daily basis because people would not believe it. It is all kept out of the news on purpose. And they are soon to learn about the the underworld of sex trafficking, child sacrifice, and organ harvesting? They are not ready. But the truth MUST be told. We know that foreign aid has been a cover for the Cabal’s funds and how the elite in the governments of the world became so filthy rich. Their time is up. The show is over. Justice is near. The pain is coming.
Scripture tells us that we are to hate the things God hates. God hates sin. He hates evil. We are dealing with very evil people. We are living in the one of the greatest times in our history. We have been blessed to be a part of all of this. We are sharing in this together and will have memories for a very long time. We will pass on those memories to our children and grandchildren. The History books will tell the tale to generations. Phil said keep your eyes open for clues. He was very engaged tonight. He is feeling the energy. We are heading to the “Conclusion!” He said will be Live again Sunday or Monday and will advise. It was his usual closing, Love you guys, have a goodnight.
Some final comments. This ruling today will inevitably lead the demise of Planned Parenthood. That is a wonderful truth. We are to be fruitful and multiply and God has opened that door again. Millions and millions of infants have been murdered in this culture of death and worship of Moloch. The tide is turning. It turned huge today. Clarity naturally leads to “PANIC!” You have already witnessed that today from these demented pro-abortion activists. It will only get worse in the coming days, but here we hope and believe that the military will move in quickly and dispel this madness. What happened today will begin to set into motion the Republic we all want to live under. We want to live under a system that promotes law and order where justice is truly served and administered. We all desire a society where one can raise a family in a moral environment. Are we dreaming? I think not. Is freedom possible? Yes, to a degree. Sin still remains. Man’s nature has not changed. But if we can get back to what our Founding Fathers had in mind creating the greatest Constitution known to man and work together, we can live peaceable lives caring for one another and loving our neighbour as we should. Do you truly understand what is going on? Have you grasped the severity of the situation before us? We must remain humble, we must help those in need, and we must not let this happen to us ever again. Men need to be men again and become strong and responsible fathers and leaders, and women need to recapture genuine femininity and sweetness. Those two truths right there will help curb the confusion with all this insane and wicked gender identity. We are destroying our children with these lies of confused sexual identities. May The Lord have mercy on this nation. We certainly do not deserve it, but He is a gracious God. It is time for the church to repent and get back to preaching the Biblical Gospel of grace, and stop offering what I call a “Cottage Cheese” false Gospel that elevates man over God. The Lord Bless each and every one of you. The time is NOW! Chiplitfam17chat