Chip’s Overview of Phil’s Live 4/20/22 “COUNTDOWN”
WOW! This is probably my most important overview to date. What we learned tonight was earth shattering and in a refreshing, uplifting, and wonderful way. I have never seen Phil like this before. I had tears in my eyes. Something happened. He was attacked brutally and unfairly over the last few days, but what is striking is that God takes sin and turns it against Satan and brings good out of it. Let me say right off the bat, I know Phil forgives you, but all of you who attacked him in any way need to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Phil is human. Cruel words hurt. He needs our love and support now more than ever. We all assume things sometimes and make rash judgments without knowing all the facts. I think we all learned that tonight. It began with one of his favorite tunes, I do not know which one it is, and I have a hard time trying to figure out the lyrics. If you know it, please post the name of the song and the lyrics. Thanks. Near the end of the 10 minute marker, he popped in for about 5 seconds. The banner for tonight’s live was mostly green with the picture of the Queen. Phil was in all green! He had on a sleeveless Celtics jersey, his cap was LA, and he was doing his classic dance. When he finally came on, the symbolism was hard not to notice. Green = GO! Folks, Phil is a genius if you haven’t figured that out yet. He, like Trump, is always a few steps ahead. When this is all over, we will begin to understand what we had in Phil. Am I drooling over Phil? No. But I realize he has been a gift to us all. He ended tonight by saying something profound: Don’t ever question my intel. Don’t ever question me, EVER! If you truly know Phil, you understand. You understand that he is not promoting himself in an egotistical manner. He is being truthful. He says that because what he knows is the truth, and he wants you to have it and not be led astray by false truthers and those who hate the truth and those who have been attacking one another. The audio tonight was perfect. His new microphone is great. He was all smiles and fully energized. That is remarkable considering what he has put up with these last few days. Phil is mentally tough. Phil is unique as you are about to find out. He reemphasized that his Lives are always free. He then said I have new intel tonight. I can imagine the smiles, the palpitating hearts, and the anticipation of his listeners as they heard those golden words. Then he began the first of his incredible announcements that he had for us tonight. None of us were ready for this.
Phil and Todd have been having discussions with the owner of the Seychelle Water Filter company. Phil never said that the filters filtered out snake venom. They did filter out certain components that comprise some of the elements, but it was not designed specifically to filter out venom. The bottom line is that Phil, and I am sure Todd as well, have severed relationships with this company. The company was apparently not very truthful. All moneys spent for both the filters and the donations made to help people buy the filters who could not afford them will be completely refunded. This company did not want to be associated with “Patriots,” especially connected to Q fearing for their reputation. That should tell you everything about them. They apparently are Deep State influenced. Sad. On a side note, if you still want a water filter, Berkey is hard to beat. I have one. Truth is powerful, and it is freeing. Phil apologized, said he was no longer going to create any more ventures, that 7K was the only thing he was going to continue (I still think it wise to join 7K), and even dismissed Melaleuca. He said, and this I’m sure was music to your ears, that he was going to get back to giving us intel like in the good old days. He is done with all the business stuff! Phil learned something from all of you. Your logical arguments questioning Phil without vitriol were heard. He is grateful, I’m sure. We are all grateful. This all was meant to be. The attacks are over. Anyone who continues to attack Phil, have nothing to do with them. People change in good ways when truth is approached with vigor and honesty. Truth will always prevail. Phil is a man. I mean that in the sense of how he stands for truth, unwavering. Think how difficult it has been for him to keep inside what he has known from the beginning. Phil is BACK! He commented shortly on “DS” James and simply said that he is done with him. End of story. Then Phil told us about the breaking news story (it was reported by Fox) of the plane at the Capitol giving warnings to evacuate. He had no further information on it. Then someone texted Phil and said the MSM was saying it was a military operation involving skydivers landing at some event at a stadium, and that the Dept. of Defense had failed to give warning that it was occurring. Yeah sure! He then said major companies are going down. He named Disney and that its stock has collapsed and that Twitter is going to be gone or revamped soon. Elon is not giving up. Many more are headed in that direction. The shareholders will win out in the end. Also, Florida is suing Twitter. Going to get interesting. Frazzledrip is back in the news as well as the term Cabal. The MSM, because of the “Truthers,” Q, and us are forcing the Media to talk about these things. They can no longer deny it. They must now reckon with this. WHY? Because it’s real. They can’t escape! We are forcing them to recognize us. This is HUGE! We are making a difference.
Then began the most intimate and powerful reveal we have ever heard from Phil. This was the central message of his Live. I was spellbound as I know all of you were too. It was deep and involved, and I had quite a time trying to get it all written down. If I misrepresent any of what he told us tonight, please do not hesitate to correct me. He began by introducing it as a Fairy Tale with the classic opening “Once Upon a Time.” A “Fictional” story of some time in the past about a certain young boy growing up and the adventures he faced. This is, of course, Phil’s way of telling us his story. It’s the story we have all been waiting to hear for two years. It was like having your favorite bedtime story read to by your mom or dad before you went to sleep. At first, I was not sure that what I was hearing was real. It was surreal. It was mesmerizing. It’s hard to capture with words what I was feeling. This young boy, Phil begins, was different, unique. This boy felt out of place. He was advanced. He was athletic. When adolescence kicked in, standardized testing took place and the scores showed very high results. He now stood out even more. He kept his head down low not wanting to bring attention to himself. He knew what he had to do. As this boy grew and matured, approaching college after his high school days, certain secret organizations had taken note and came calling (This brought to my mind MIB, Men in Black). How cool is that! This boy thought to himself. If I understood this correctly, (it was so difficult getting all this written down), this boy was apparently ridiculed by the naysayers during these times of standing out, yet that that did not hinder these agencies from coming after this boy, regardless of what they had heard from these naysayers. It was like this boy was on an Island by himself. The boy said yes, took the offer as a career, and wondered how he was to be involved in a secret organization very few knew about. This boy would begin with a few summers of training for his new career. No one knew what this boy was doing. Sports was the excuse used for his absence during these summer exercises. The boy did extremely well on the aptitude tests. He rose to the top of his class. It was there this boy met his new roommate. He was paired with him. The two boys became best friends. That still remains today. We all have an inkling who this is. After the second summer of training, some began to speak. The boy started to hear chatter, alarming chatter that made no sense.
Several months later, the chatter became real. This was the most mind blowing part of the Live. I hope I understood this correctly, because it was so earth shattering that I was not sure I was hearing it in the right way. If I am wrong, please let me know. The boy realized the impossibility that you would think that you would be involved in something so terrible and awful. People burning and dying and jumping. We all know what the boy was referring to. This was the secret organization that had recruited the boy. The boy quit. The roommate did not. It was hard for him to continue. He rose through the ranks and finally all the way to the White House. Phil said he deserved it. We were not told how the roommate finally came out of this secret agency, and we hope was not involved with that horrible endeavor. The boy just could not do it. The boy then began to dedicate his life to expose it all. I think we know who that is as well. Shortly after that, another secret agency came calling. This time the boy thought he could actually make a difference. You don’t use your real name. The boy was given the name of Mark Pool. That should ring a bell! Could he make a difference? Could he make amends with this second secret agency? The boy realized it could happen again. Bad things, but after much thought, and with the knowledge and skills he had acquired and having learned about said events, the boy decided to blow the whistle. While Mark was still employed, his old roommate and friend orchestrated an exit plan from the second agency. Mark Pool was to be replaced by a new name. They hacked in and created another persona. Mark existed no more. A complete deletion of that identity. The new identity was Eric Snowfall. The Mark Pool name was wiped out. Everything that was researched under Mark’s identity was now tied to Eric Snowfall. The good guys created a whole new narrative. So the boy who created Mark Pool went back to a normal life. The roommate kept advancing. The boy and the roommate stayed good friends. Some years later the boy began to circumvent the secret agencies. A movement was created. We know what that is.
My thought here is that the symbol of JFK’s grave site must have had something to do with several things. JFK Jr’s site has the same symbol. When Jackie Kennedy first met JFK in the early 50’s, she lived on Q Street! I do not know if that has any significance, but it is interesting. How did the 17th letter find such importance and symbolism? I do not know. At what point did it take on a new significance? But what is fascinating is that the boy was again contacted by the roommate and was told you are the only one who can do this! The boy said Yes! Mark Pool was in the shadows and could not be traced back to the boy. This movement began with a small group. It has grown to millions. The boy became the mouth piece of the Movement. If you are not blown away at this point, I don’t know what else to say. When the boy first heard about the 911 tragedy in 2001, he immediately recognized the false narrative being put out by the MSM and the government. He knew the truth. It was a terrible feeling to live with. That truth alone is what motivated the boy to do what he had to do. He was helpless to stop it. You people are the benefactors of this boy. It bears repeating, that it was at this point in the Live when Phil said with a seriousness that cut you to the quick, “Don’t question my intel, don’t question me, EVER! I think he said I have more to tell you that you have not yet imagined. I think that is what I heard. I may be wrong. Then with a shift in tone and a broad smile, he said now for some intel! The “Countdown” begins! There will be a new event to take place…the Queen’s Death. Phil said in past Lives that the Queen’s Death was not a marker. Ironically, it is THE marker! He just couldn’t tell us at that time. Even though she has been dead for some time, this public announcement is going to set the world ablaze. It will be everything we have been waiting for. Everything the world has been waiting for. This announcement will set into motion on a global scale the shutdown of the entire banking system worldwide. What the extent of that means nobody knows. It rings buy silver in my mind. Silver is outside of the system. It is protected real assets. It is real money. Fiat dollars are not real money. They are paper. Our hope, naturally, is that we will be able to trade in those fiat dollars for the new gold and silver backed currency. We just have to wait and see. But you can’t lose with gold or silver. Phil said there will be a huge backlash. There will be panic. That is expected. Did you see Trump’s last photo meme about panic? It’s on my Telegram page. Huge adjustments will be in order. I still believe Trump is not going to hurt the American people. Pain? Yes. Hardships? Yes. The world is about to change. And we so are fortunate to be a part of it. The poor “Normies!” They are going to feel as if they have been hit by a MACK truck! The doubters will be scratching their heads wondering what happened. It reminds me of a woman in labor. Much pain, but it yields great joy. (the last part continued in next post)