Chip’s Overview of Phil’s Live Q & A. 4/16/22
Phil began in silence with his classic dancing. Big smiles, and Phil is not defeated! He had “Got Oysters?” on his T-Shirt from Oceania Grill. Explained the 145 as one minute and 45 seconds that was the length of the video he made when he proposed to Keri. It was also a sign she saw when they were in New Orleans. It has more symbolic meaning, but we are not yet told its significance. Phil has a new and improved microphone. It worked perfectly tonight. Someone asked him about the 3’s again but no answer. Phil was very excited in lieu of all the negativity not only on his chat, but I unfortunately, had it on mine as well. They have raised $32,000 so far to help people get the filters. They are aware that some dishonesty will occur from people who simply want a free filter, when they know they could afford one. He went on to explain that many of the negative comments came not from his main followers but from controlled opposition. Their primary intent is to attack and destroy. He said you need to stand your ground. Don’t be persuaded by this nonsense. Do what is right. What it has done is to weed out the bad guys. Phil said he is not going to raise the prices on his website. That is good news. He told us that Todd is the VP of the water filter company. Good for him. There were 2.8 million viewing at this time. The article in the Daily Beast increased Telegram by thousands! Phil called for unity/family and that we need to stick together. Unity is important, but truth is far more important. That is what we all are seeking. Phil is very proud to call us friends and family. He mentioned Jordan Sather again and that he is not a truther. He is most likely quite jealous. When people attack you, you know instantly their motives. He then began the Q & A. He was asked about Stew Peters and the photos he is in with Cabal signs. Stew was a former rapper in his youth and got involved in all the silliness. That was in his past. He is a good guy and a dedicated Patriot. We all waste a lot of our youth in foolishness. Bill Barr is a white hat. He is playing a role and a pretty good one at that…you got fooled! Phil has a Truth Social account but has not activated it yet. The one on there is not his. It was asked if the Berkey water filter system was good. It is, but not as thorough as the one Phil is now using. I have the Berkey. He said the Zero Water is even worse. Reverse Osmosis is good but still not as good. Steve Bannon is a white hat. Phil mentioned that the letter he wrote has been put into the right hands. Phil was ordered to to be more careful in his intel. The reason is simple. The white hats cannot afford delicate information to get out before its time. Vital information must be protected.
NESARA is a reality. Phil believes it will be active this year. Phil is not Jonathan James. The good guys ARE in control. It is all strategically orchestrated. Will Trump be the 19th President or back to 45? We will have to wait and see. That will require a lot of education for the masses. Maybe he comes back as 45, then in time explains it all. There will be much to explain. It is not an overnight fix. Just think how mind numbing this is really going to be for the “Normies!” NESARA, 19th President, child trafficking, election fraud, teaching people about the Deep State and the global Cabal, the corrupt courts and Congress, election fraud, the corrupt Governors and state legislators, the corruption in the medical profession, Covid, the water, NASA, Flat Earth, free energy, Q Phones, the Re-valuation, gold and silver, the Fed, IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, the border, attorneys and judges being re-educated in Constitutional Law, the Media, martial law, what the military has been doing, Gitmo, executions, tribunals, arrests, Hollywood, education being revamped, the V, masks, food shortages, the ships off the coasts, chemtrails, weather modification, HAARP, Looking Glass, Antarctica, food and supply chains, gasoline, inflation, the QFS, new currency, Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Australia, Canada, Europe, the Cartels in Mexico, and so much more! When you see it all in front of you, it’s overwhelming. It gives you a clue what the white hats have been up against and why it is taking so long. On a more humorous note, someone said we have to get Brad a filter for his sweet tea! Then Elon and Twitter were mentioned. Phil said just stand by. It’s goin to get good. Don’t forget EO 13848…Twitter is doomed. His Georgia Bulldogs shirt was a comm. It was directed to the Anons. He was asked if well water was safe. It is if it’s protected from septic tank septage. Only public water supply facilities are targeted. Phil was asked if Biden is at the W House. The whole operation is a White Hat Operation. Why? You know why. You can’t just tell them, you have to show them. We have already met the law of diminishing returns. Something has to give. Putin has completed his mission in Ukraine. Taiwan is next, actually I believe it has aleady started. You are not hearing about it because the Media can’t report on it. Why are they going to say? If they defend Taiwan then they are going against the CCP, and they are not going to do that, if they defend China, that will even cause more problems. Phil went into fairly lengthy talk on his past legal issues. I am not going to retell those. Phil hit almost 4 million viewers. His next live is next week. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! Love God and love your family. I had a great motorcycle ride in the Texas Hill Country, and if you have never been to Luckenbach, Texas you are missing something special. NCSWIC Chip