Chip’s Overview of Phil’s Live “The Water” The song before was, “We’re not gonna take it”
Phil was wearing a Georgia Bulldogs T-Shirt, no hat, and was he wearing new glasses? He got a new microphone but still had audio problems. He had to switch back over to his Mac. There was the number 145 next to Mr. pool. No comments were made. Phil was unshaven. He said he has been very busy researching the water. He began by saying that some will not be happy in what I say tonight. I will address that at the end. We have all been involved in this terrible mess, and it’s time to make a choice. Who are you going to believe? Phil continued by saying so much misinformation and disinformation has inundated us, and it is causing truthers to go against one another. Why? Because we are right over the target. We are in an information shift. The substance of the topic is serious, now more than ever. The light is exposing the darkness. The truth is going to be attacked now more ferociously. One example is the attack now against Dr. Ardis. They are attacking him instead of his research. “We the Media” has attacked Stew Peters as another example, not his honest approach to get at the truth. Phil reminded us what Lin Wood said, do not attack the messenger. These attacks are against the individuals, not their research. Some have gone so far to blame and attack Trump. This is about the Water, not Trump. Stew Peters in not a Deep State Plant. He is a Patriot trying to unravel the evil. Dr. Ardis’ report had facts and was solid. Nobody has refuted it. The key is in understanding that this is a weaponised and genetically modified venom. It is silly to think that millions of snakes had their venom taken out and put into the water. That would take millions of gallons. It is a far more sinister and planned biological warfare. It is intentional genocide. This evil knows no bounds. I truly believe that Satan knows his time is short, so he is unleashing. He is the ruler of this world. Look up Luke 4. He shows Jesus all the Kingdoms of the world, not Just those in existence at that time but every kingdom in existence in all of time. He tells Jesus that he will give him all the power and glory of these Kingdoms if he will worship Satan. Jesus does not refute or question Satan’s power, but of course he does not comply.
So Phil asks the question, how are we getting it? Phil was upset with his last live. He was looking at his role in being involved and was wondering if he was being limited. He said he contacted his source, and you probably know who that is, and pleaded to know the truth about the water. This is big. It’s too serious not to know the truth. First, we know that our water has always had some form of contamination. Fluoride, chlorine, lead, etc.; water filters have been around for decades.
So it was confirmed to Phil two things. (1) Covid is a poison, not a virus. (2) Something happened to our water supply. The research is proving this out. He mentioned Clif High. He said he is not a scientist. Clif was apparently thinking it was just venom being put into the water and did not buy that argument. He did not report that it is a weaponised attack, and that this has been in the works since 2005! It is diabolical. This biological weapon has been engineered to attack specific maladies in humans. It is a “Death Cult.” This is spiritual warfare, the same warfare that began in the Garden when God said I will put enmity between your seed (Satan) and her seed (Christ). Nothing has changed since the beginning. Future truly proves past. Read Ephesians chapter 6. This Cabal is more evil than you have imagined. They worship death. Phil went on to warn us that we may have thought someone honest and good but is not. Did we even conceive that? Have you come to the realisation of how depraved man can become? Phil began to share that he has the same concerns we do. He then read a letter he wrote personally to President Trump. It will be posted. Phil had tears in his eyes after reading it. I was impressed. The bottom line? Time to pull the trigger.
Phil understands our frustrations. He feels them too. He did say he can’t pretend to know what many have endured, and has wondered when all this is going down as we all have. He did admit that he is not having a lot of the problems many are having, but remember, Phil has also suffered in many ways as well. Do not make light of that.
Phil understands that we have been called everything in the book for trying to tell the truth. It has been costly. But risking in love does cost and it brings pain. For some, each day is a real struggle. One thing we all overlook sometimes is that we can’t excuse or hardships. We must take responsibility. We all suffer, though in different extremes. That creates opportunities to help one another. There is a time when you NEED an extended hand, and a time when you can EXTEND that hand. Phil said it pains him to know how hard it is that some of us are hurting, but he can’t help everyone. You have to do something about it. Take charge. Be a leader. Be strong. Finally, and this goes back to the beginning, Phil talked about a water purification product. Let me be clear here, because as soon as I understood what was coming, I knew there would be a backlash as never before considering where we are in this whole affair. After reading just a tiny fragment of responses on DLive where there were extreme curse words, violent attacks of traitor and money hungry grabber, selling us out, and I thought we were getting intel, and on and on. It truly opened my eyes to how far so many of you are still not understanding the gravity and evil of the situation. Human nature is extremely selfish, and when it does not get what it wants, it erupts. It leashes out in anger. Phil has betrayed us! He only worships money! I have told you before, if those two things are true, then Phil will completely destroy not only himself, but also Keri, his children, his ventures, 7K, his reputation, his father, his mother, his relationships with Kathryn Telford, his relationship with Todd, Keri’s children, and millions of his followers. I don’t believe it for a second. That same thinking has caused a lot of you to drop out of the movement. Your doubts have increased. Your perceptions of what you think is supposed to happen have not been fulfilled, so you are upset, ready to throw in the towel. Do you have to purchase this water purification device? No. Even if we weren’t facing this possible danger, having one of those is simply smart anyway. Sure won’t hurt. I guarantee you will actually like having one. Clean water? Who doesn’t want that. But that’s not the point. The point is you. You are here because you want to be a part of the greatest adventure in your life, history in the making, and you realize you have been blessed to be alive at such a time as this. Are you going to throw it all away because you think Phil has let you down? I am sorry, but you need to grow up! I already bought the pitcher and one extra filter before Phil had even finished tonight! Stop with the foolish and unhealthy responses. Do you know Phil’s heart? You must trust and believe and have faith. How else can you live? Your lives will be a wreck if they are so easily disrupted. You would not enjoy hundreds of people viciously attacking you. That is cruel. We need each other. It reminds me of how many hated Jesus when he did nothing but good. Come back home. NCSWIC Chip