“Snakes” 4/12/22
You noticed right from the beginning that something tonight was different. Phil was wearing a Sixers Jersey and baseball cap with, I think, St. Louis. No comments were made. There were some initial audio problems again. His microphone broke. He began by telling us that he had a bad day and is not happy. He then advised that children should not watch tonight warning that he might express a vituperative spirit. He showed the interview from Stew Peters in its entirety. He made some comments during the video. He praised Stew for an excellent video presentation and praised Dr. Ardis as well. He mentioned their courage and the fact that have risked their lives in telling us about the truth of covid. Stew told us some time back to not drink the water. Now we know why. Does this include bottled water? I don’t think so. It would be very complicated to try and control all the bottled water companies. I get my water at a health food grocery store using reverse osmosis, and we drink alkaline. Does that take out the poison? I surely hope so. I believe the water plants in certain cities are their primary targets. Do the city employees know? I doubt it. We do brush our teeth and rinse with tap water. Maybe not a good idea any more. We use tap water washing dishes, clothes, taking showers, and boiling potatoes and boiled eggs, but not for soups. It’s hard to believe we are even talking like this! It is mind boggling how much our world has changed in the last two years. And it’s getting ready to change even more. Let me give you the big intel right off the bat. Fauci was arrested. He was previously detained, but he was actually taken into custody today. If you see him in the Media in the coming days, he will most likely be a body double. It will be interesting to see who he gives up to try and protect himself. Now on to more important things I want to say. Phil was human tonight. He was asking the same questions we all are asking. I don’t think we have ever seen him like that before. Not that he hasn’t been real, but there was a sense about him tonight that shone through in a unique way. Let me try and explain. Phil was shook. He said covid is not a virus. He always knew that. He told us that last year. The virus narrative has been a lie from the pit of Hell. Phil began to question everything. If Phil’s source knew the truth about covid, why was he not told? Why was he not allowed to say anything about it? What does that mean? Phil even felt played, that he was being used. Why? Was it to hurt people? Phil told us he created the phrase “Watch the Water” which has had global implications, but he was never told what it meant! He said that “entices” me! (he meant incites) which he quickly rephrased and said it incites me and infuriates me. Phil does not always know the full extent of the information he receives. He said his blood was boiling. He knew watch the water was a warning, but a warning of what? What is the point of a warning if you don’t know what the danger is? Phil was concerned that he might be mocking people. We have left everyone in a mystery. If Trump knew, if Phil’s source knew, how on earth could they withhold such vital information about the water? So people can get poisoned? People are dying! The same applies to the V.
Phil’s intelligence has been used. Why? Was Phil too naive? Did Phil get too wrapped up in his projects? He was questioning himself. He was questioning everything. He said if I was still the person I used to be, I would never have gotten wrapped up in all the things I am doing today. I would have had the time to figure all this out. We all get caught up in in our own worlds, so don’t be too harsh on Phil. He has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. Where would we all be if there was no Phil? I am not worshiping him, I am appreciating him. Quit jumping on him when he cancels or is late. It is just life. Phil then said something quite remarkable. They chose me because of who I was before. That is why Phil is angry. He feels he has been used. I could have done more. I should have done more. Think how many people I could have saved. I got used. I was told to write it (Watch the Water). Q even knew. Then Phil moved on to what Dr. Ardis was saying and about the people who are attacking him now. The “We the Media Group” (I am unfamiliar with this group; Jordan Sather is a member), is trying to debunk Dr. Ardis. They are saying he is controlled opposition. It is just a distraction from Ukraine. Well, it’s all lies what these phony “truthers” are saying. Phil asked the logical question, “What is your reason for dismissing it?” Is it because you simply don’t believe it? Why is Ardis being attacked? We know why. Truth. Just like these phony “fact checkers.” Covid is poison. If you think poisoning the water is completely out of the question and just a wild fable, remember, they stole an election and put in a fake President to destroy this nation. They are a “Death Cult.” Why didn’t the White Hats stop it? That’s the big question all of us are asking. Naturally, the most terrifying idea is if they are complicit in it. But none of us actually believe that. We can’t believe that. Who really is in control now? Who says it’s OK for people to die? Makes NO sense. I am angry; I am confused, said Phil. We are missing a piece of this puzzle, and I don’t know what it is. He mentioned how powerful it was that Trump recognized the guy behind him wearing the Devolution T-Shirt and even pointing to him. What more confidence do you need? The stream of information has stopped and Phil is concerned. He said I have the ability to force the issue or issues. Maybe I will. Maybe I should. It is spinning out of control. Things are not sitting well with me now. I want answers. Phil closed by saying he is now on 6 platforms and had 5 million viewing tonight! He said he will tell us later what the new platforms are. He said I love you guys and that he will not be Live Wednesday, because he had “things to do!” Let me close by saying that a possible reason the “Reveal” has not yet occurred is because they have not yet caught all the bad guys. Also the reinforcement of the Durham Report. So how do we break through this powerful deception, this reign of evil? Christ has. At the cross. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, the whole of man was ruined by that sin. Satan is the ruler of this world, though under God’s Sovereignty. He is the father of lies. He is a murderer from the beginning. Everything here is temporary. It is fleeting. Your only hope is Christ. Are we praying that the evil will be harshly dealt with? Do we want justice? Of course we do. But God is a merciful God and a wrathful God. We pray for mercy on our nation, and we pray that God will soon destroy His enemies. Everything is going to be OK. You know that deep down. We are all on edge. Let’s just not take it out on each other. We need each other. Divisiveness will destroy us. Be strong. Be wise. Trump’s got this. God’s got this. No fear. Trust the Lord. NCSWIC Chip Littler