Phil 11 9 Intel and Q&A session
Notes by jj hall, [11/9/2021 4:32 PM], edited by DLE
1 — newsom is DEAD ... suicide. Phil was told that on his call yesterday.
they have been trying to find an impersonator
choice: after corrupt recall vote, Newsom could choose to come clean and spared life but in jail — OR —
2 — internet outages — WHs testing big blocks of internet to make sure they could still put out the internet when needed. This off and on internet access will continue for an extended time, and be targeted to help with targeting specific individuals.
2a — get cash, a week’s worth or so, since online sales, point of sale machines, etc will not be running all the time.
3 — we WILL be seeing EBS
when ... not sure ... decision made a while bk ... AX audit results were not allowed to be reported accurately
DJT got a bit pissed when the MSM did not reports AZ audit results accurately. He is the one who was holding back on it. But after AZ audit, POTUS no longer hesitated.
what you will see:
before inauguration last year rumors of taped confessions ...
a lot of familiar faces ... Wm Barr flying around country picking up ppl and getting confessions
certain options -- presumed criminals got ... "if we get to destination and you have not confessed we are going to GITMO—w/o you confessing deal off the table"
those who controlled child trafficking involvement? — WILL BE executed live on TV
DS cabal used MSM for decades ... DJT had thought he was on same page re: transition vis a vis deepstate ... a lot of stuff to work thru
nesara/gesara ... withdraw all aggressive mil positions
DJT was infuriated at the AZ audit reporting ...
was supposed to have been a wake up call ... DJT almost did EBS that night he was so pissed ... DJT talked down... moved EBS to later date
Phil has a Q phone, uses it for secure comms. Doesn’t look like a regular cell phone.
Q&A 37:45
— will they show the DUMBs?
— what is 11/11
— newsome hung himself
mandates should be gone by jan
queen's death announce should be soon
clintons dead
hx books should be re-written
QFS use physical metals ... gold and silver
Any digital currency will be gold and silver backed
paski is a nobody
other blue state govs powers have been stripped ... 9 mil commanders are running 9 sectors and those mil commanders make all decisions now
nesara rolls out when DJT comes bk ... everything is in place for NESARA — we are close
pfizer ceo WAS arrested ... fauci is going down
we will have a great xmas? yes
gmail and yahoo under different ownership
all currencies 1-to-1 after reset? he is not sure ... see what final NESARA law does
wm barr bigger role in all this
stock market will crash so will most 401s since they most are connected to stock market
chem trails will stop. Already have.
ivanka is safe
medbeds are manufactured by ? he knows but would not say
is there a connection between ECW and R? (Ezra Cohen Watnick and JFK Jr) Yes
1:00 will there be credit cards after NESARA? ... loans will be still given after NESARA ... interest rates will go down... way down... and interest will go to US
Hidden Vatican library info will trickle into public
will NESARA pay each person $10,000/month? phil does not see that happening but wait to see law
will medbeds correct vision issues? depends on injury type
Is Russell J Gould legit? No
norway will be part of GESARA
medbeds will help paralysed .. like christopher reeves
retirement age under NESARA will be younger than what it is now
Q says Earth not flat BUT…
why is WH dark every night?? comms
will medbeds restore youth? free radicals inflammation can be reduced ... by supplements... yes medbeds will reduce aging process
Cannot answer Snowden questions
several anons have been fired
NESARA will cancel all debt from FED RES ... not private loans ... if money was borrowed from FED RES at some point in chain then yes
bush fam not under cabal control then ... bush 2 cheny rice .. ppl turned
infrastructure bill will be used by DJT when he comes bk
student loans will be forgiven
not sure if michael jackson is alive or dead
medbeds will cure arthritis ... bone replacement tech ... suppressed ...
silver talk.... yawn
Q phones will be free
medbeds will not be for home use, at first
moon space race
401ks ... stock markets will go caput and take the 401ks too
not sure if medbeds for pets
not sure if taxes for 2022
meetings at capitol DC tribunals? Several military trials at GITMO
medbeds can replace pacemaker
kids are supposedly not getting real jabs ...
Q phones will replace smart phones
Mud flood-liquifaction etc
internet will go down over next several weeks
DT will be bk in 2021!!!
medbeds free to use
newsome offed himself weeks ago. Now, recorded or double.
sh!t yur pants when find out truth re: covid
real raw news ... pentagon, yes
time travel
bonds in 401 not safe
silver will be purchased by gov and industry at high prices
will NESARA wipe out reverse mortgage? yes
zm zim zim bonds
will NESARA pay us any money? no sure yet ... laws not revealed
steve jobs healed self w Medbed. Worked on medbeds
more silver talk
will state and national disability still pay? payouts should go up ... have to wait for NESARA law
melinda gates set up bill to be arrested a long time ago
how long grassley serve as interim pres? weeks not months
credit cards will be wiped under NESARA
shot heard around the world is the vaxxx
1:40 end